Tuesday, June 11, 2013

E3 Playstation 4 Press conference.

                      Well PlayStation 4 did it the second time, they manage to impress the audience even more.

And this time PlayStation 4 had the right audience whit the right attitude for the conference.

They answered every important question , its like everything Xbox-one failed to do PlayStation 4 did it better.

You don’t have to be connected to play your games, but i think you have to be online to play co-op , nothing strange about it really.

You can play borrowed and used games on PlayStation 4 without buying any fee.

It will also allow streaming of selected ps3 games on ps4. The service will not be available directly at the release of the PlayStation 4, but will be available at a later date.

They want us gamers to have a great gamer experience everywhere we go. After revealing these things, i thought to my self that xbox-one was screwed.

The conference was pure gameplay, it was like 10 minutes of TV talk that no one really cared about, but the rest where games and games only.

A few examples of the games revealed where:

Assassins creed 4

Kingdom hearts 3

Final fantasy 15 i think

Mad max


Elder scrolls online


NBA 2K14


Watch dogs

The dark sorcerer.

Alright my heart dropped about the kingdom heart 3 being released on PlayStation 3, witch isn’t that strange if you think about it.

Kingdom hearts graphic didn’t look that advanced like the other games so...yeah. I haven’t even play kingdom hearts 2, i will play it when I’m done whit Final fantasy x and other games I’m not done whit...

Destiny looked awesome as hell and i have never even played the halo games. ( the creators behind halo made this game).

I’ll only buy this game if i have someone to play co-op whit, which  is awesome in this game.

You can customize the way you look and fight. The multiplayer is  competitive.

Whit an wide open combat public destination, i know this game would be fun to play whit your 

friends, the game play was awesome in many ways.

Assassin’s creed 4: I personally think these games are boring, but for those that are fans to the franchise, will probably enjoy this game.

The graphic is sick it looks like a whole movie that you can take control of. 

Watch dogs: 

Imagine that you can hack everything around you by just using a mobile phone?

In an open world that would be awesome. The game play was explosive, the environment looked so real.

some are questioning whether it will be better than gta v or not? 

I think the games will be unique in its on way, we just have to wait and see. There are many new things to explore in both the games, so i wouldn’t be so quick to compare just yet.

It’s like i said before PlayStation 4 is for gamers only, Xbox-one for families whit younger children.

I will definitely be considering buying a PlayStation 4, and not only because xbox-one failed to deliver no, because i have always been a PlayStation fan.

Xbox-one is a cool box but its useless if it doesn’t have any connection.

We also have to be careful, i will wait until someone buys the console and reviews it, to see if everything they said is true.

                                                 I cant wait :'(

Monday, June 10, 2013

Xbox-one E3 press conference.

Well this time it was about the actual GAMING experience, It seems to me that they have learned from their previous mistake, which was not including any gaming at all?

But was the audience impressed this time? Instead of a poor gaming performance now they had technical problems whit the sound system, which lead to a few laughter’s from the audience and the people watching live.

It’s really hard to be impressed by a game whit no sound. 

It’s like everyone says, the first impression is the most important one. So even if they step up their "game" whit the latest conference, the people will always remember their first, which makes it hard to impressed the second time.

 The games revealed on the conference were:

Metal Gear Solid V features "deeper stealth action"

Ryse: Son of Rome

Sunset Overdrive

Dead Rising 3

Titanfall features a mix of FPS and piloting robot mechs

Project Spark

world of tanks

Battle field 


The witcher 3

there were some more but i can remeber their names.

Some games looked lie they had ps3/ps2 graphic.

But the game that really blew me away was 

Wicther 3

It was so mind blowing; it looks like a skyrim open world game but the environment its much much more beautiful.

I haven’t been the biggest fan of the witcher, because of the combat system on the first one, that i thought was really annoying.

I haven’t tried witcher 2, but as i see this game i really really want it badly.

Project Spark:

It’s like little big planet but an open world one? there you decide everything by looks and build.

This is a game that will require a lot of your time because of the details.

The gameplay looked really fun, and really cool.
You decide everything, landscape, dark or bright, witch enemies that will attack you, you can even be creative during the fights.

everything from a peace of rock to a gigantic robot.


It looks like a game that can be playable on ps3, because of the graphic; this one looked like an ps3 graphic game.

BUT!! As i sat and had my doubts like everyone else watching the gameplay, it started so slow and boring but then it 

took a real turn and became a must try game. It has many cool things that you can do, if you play like a giant murder robot.

I usually don’t play these type of games, but that one looked really good, for me it looked better than battle field, not better graphic but better gameplay!

Dead rising 3.

I hate zombies! I’m so tired of zombie movies and zombie games ( besides warm bodies that was a good zombie movie).

The only game i even consider playing whit zombies in is "The last of us" and that’s it, i heard it wasn’t the typical zombie game, zombies butt not really zombies ( oh well).

The only thing that seemed good in this game for me was of course the graphic and the weapon combinations.

You can build a weapon from whatever you can find in your environment.

Oh well to be completely honest...it didn’t look that bad.

People were complaining how stupid these zombies were, well yeah? They could eat their own brains duh?

Okay then i saw little of the new halo...he was wearing a cape thingy? and was walking in the desert. was it to cover he’s eyes from sand?

That is cover whit heavy armor?...then a metal bird raised from the sand and then....That was it.

And then wtf? from the audience.

As you play through your games you can see how far someone else has come in the same game,

You can also show your gameplay to your friends or stream it live on TWITCH! ( F*** YEAH).

The thing here is, your Xbox -one needs to be connected to the internet every 24 hours in order to let you play games on your primary console.

If your somewhere there they have no internet you will not be able to use your Xbox-one or watch tv or blue- ray discs.

Your games need to be tied to your Xbox-one account so without connecting to the internet your xbox-one account cant  verify that they belong to you.

So what they are saying is, if you don’t have any internet the box will only be a useless peace of ...BOX

This means you can’t borrow games from your friends witch isn’t even the badest part here.

Whit out your internet it will be a crapy box for $499.99 in the US,  £429.99 in the UK and 499.99 Euros in Europe.


Anyway like i said before Xbox-one is in my opinion  a family box, a box for children NOT real GAMERS.

In a way it is positive, because things are getting more social and children aren’t that 

Clever of how to know if the person your speaking to isn’t any mooron or perv. So 

thanks to the connection that you must have Parents will have it easier to block their 

children from the net, which is a good thing because this is a bigg issue, children and internet.

So if you’re a gamer ill advice you to get the PlayStation 4 or a better pc. because Xbox-one has took its turned to a other direction.

I don’t even know if PlayStation 4 will do good at their second conference, we will see.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Kingdoms of amalur-Reckoning.

I bought this game five days ago, i thought it look good and interesting. I love games whit 

Strong colors. I’m playing as a ”fatless one" who died before the game starts, I’m part of 

an experiment called "the well of souls" , the owner of the experiment is called 

Fomorous Hugues.And i am the first success to hes experiment. When i wake up, the 

Facility is under attack by a species called the  Tuatha.The tuathas is fighting under a 

god called Tirnoch. And their goal is to , or what they want to do is kick some mortal 

Races butt. The war is called”crystal war ”Under the journey your uncovering the truth 

About yourself and what you are and what your purpose is.
I have played Skyrim, and 

fable 3 and this game is a mix of these two. Mostly fable i must say. I haven’t come so far 

into the game but , of what i have seen and experience so far is that the game is a lot of 

fun to play. The storyline is weak and boring , but the combat system is fun fun, and the 

Environment is fluid whit bright colors. The good thing about this is, you don’t have to 

come to a particular level to do cool stuff , the combat is alot of fun, you have a lot of 

weapons to choose from and  magic tricks .

Apart from the storyline and your main goal in this game, It’s a lot about to help other 

Villagers whit their problem, which makes your earn more XP.

When you start the game you can choose  from 4 playable races, Almain(human).  

Dokkalfar (Dark Elves), the Ljosalfar (Light Elves) and  Varani (Nomadic Humans).And 

When your get your own home in the game you can change your appearance, but not race 

Or gender. The game isn’t hard and probably the easiest game for hardcore gamers. But 

It is tons of fun, and everyone should try it. And yeah for those who thinks fable 3 

sucks, don’t worry this game doesn’t. its better.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Dark souls...a curse..

Well it was about 4 months ago i got this game.

First i thought it looked really boring and stiff. Then i just thought to myself  " why not try it anyway"?

i mean i like these kind of games.

So i went up undead burg and fought the turus demon then got burned by the red dragon. And so on and so on. There were a lot of deaths.

So i started to notice that... i didn’t want to stop playing the god damn thing! (Even if i did die a lot)

It consumed me, i just wanted to get further and further. It was hard as H*** but as you continue and do

Not give up you just get better and better and even if you do beat the game you will want to play it again but

As NG+ (new game plus) you beat the game the first time and then whit your new strength play it again, which means the games becomes a bit more harder.

I have raged my a** of thanks to this game, i became a monster and almost lost my computer.

But things are better now and it’s going well, I’m still dying but i know what to do.

I have rage quit many times. But I’m much calmer now and thanks to that things are going better.

The key here is patience, good mood and naive.

The game is so freaking beautiful, the details in this game is mind blowing. There is so much to do and so much to learn about this game.

And it’s fun when other players can jump in and help you out.

Like everyone else i want to do play troughs and guides someday.

Important thing to know is, do not putt a lot of pressure on yourself just because some people had an easy run through this game.

It’s good to think that " i am supposed to die" i mean the edition say so clearly. If you die that means your money was well spent.

I’m looking forward to Dark souls 2 a lot, and I hope it will be just as good or even better. The down side is that i read that its release will be in 2014 mars...as long as the game comes out good i guess.

I have the Demon souls, but haven’t been playing it for a while, so i don’t have that much to say about it.

Some people say it’s harder than dark souls, i didn’t think so when i first started to play it...maybe it gets harder.

All i can say is that the leveling system is much harder. i will go in more on the details when i know much more about the games.

So jumping into another subject...

I want to start playing an online game...It took some time to find the one i felt was interesting for me.

It seems like i will be playing Neverwinter...i think i will try it but not now.

The combat system/skills look so good, fast and fluid, the things i want in my combat.

I want to start record, when i play, but i don’t know if it’s worth it if i can’t talk while I’m doing it.

It’s like making a play trough whit out the touch of your own personality.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Picking up some old news...Xbox one/ playstation 4

I’m just going to make it short, and just say what i think about these consoles.

I won’t buy anyone of these two because I’m satisfied whit my PlayStation 3.

Xbox one i think is a console for people that watches a lot of TV, and likes to chat while they do so.

It’s a cool product i won’t lie but it’s not for me as a gamer because i don’t watch tv i don’t care about Skype or  

Anything else that has to do whit tv movies or so on. Xbox one is all about social and media, there were 

Almost nothing to be said about the actual gaming or gamers, they didn’t even show how a gameplay would 

Look like, it was all about tv,tv,tv and tv. I would buy it for my parents because they spend a lot of time in front of the tv.

The presentation was poorly executed. The audience was in my opinion to happy for nothing; i thought gamers would turn up to these kind of things?

The company wanted everything but gave us gamers nothing.

You can’t play borrowed games on your console without paying for it, and i don’t know if it’s true but you can’t play old 360 games on it either without paying?

Is this to prevent people for downloading games maybe? I get it if it is for that reason, but if not then what have gamers done to deserve it?

Well it seems anyway that the companies left the gamers behind this time. Nothing about the games al about the tv.

PlayStation 4 presentation was well executed but whit the wrong audience. But they made sure to make us feel included.

Now it will be easy to share your experience whit other people, people can take over your control if you get 

Stuck somewhere, and you can record and putt it on Facebook, so you can show your friends your 

Play trough. 

We didn’t get to see the console only the control...I’m not a fan of its look.

The PlayStation 4 is built for gamers, who likes to record, chat whit other players and share their experience. 

It’s a pure gamer console, and that makes xbox one look bad.

And in the presentation they actually had a gameplay! And it looked awesome.

Al i can say about the consoles is that they are more social, and have improved in the graphics a lot. 

It’s like a computer (ps4) xbox is more like a tv box for me.

It’s a bout consoles that will go after what you like, it will be like your own little robot. Some found it scary, it think it’s cool.

It will automatically update even if it’s shut down, both of them.

I am a PlayStation fan, and I’m satisfied whit my PlayStation 3,2 and 1. And my computer of course.

I don’t care about tv, and i don’t feel the need to get more social than I’m already am.

What would a child do whit an xbox 1 i wonder? How good is it for children now that the consoles are more social? i wonder what the parents feels about that..

I don’t know what is happening whit the xbox but i hope they see the problem and learn from it, i understand the disappointment.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Gender Roles and Sexism in Gaming.

Before i even get started, please note that this is what i think about this Mather, me myself as a female gamer.

I was you tubing just to see another play trough of my favorite game Dark souls, but before i even was going 

To, i went in to IGN to see the latest news, and then i saw an article about the question of "female role in the game 

Industry". In the article i stumbled upon a name witch is Anita sarkeesian that is analyzing the female role witch is given in video games. How we are stereotyped.

She made a video on YouTube witch is called Damsel in Distress Part 1.
Witch has like a million views.

She’s talking about the history of the women stereotype in games and movies , how we always need to be helpless and rescued by a male hero. Putt in situations we can’t help our self’s out of.

She explained that we are like objects putt between two men that are fighting, saving, or kidnaping us.
Helpless weak objects.

She took up an movie example like KINGKONG that Kidnaps ann and takes her to a high building , to lather on get fired down, and no not ann, the freaking ape? (It’s a monkey come on)

Then she took a video game example like super mario, there peaches always is in a helpless position and always need to be rescued, (yeah i know played it many times.)

The whole video was about us women always being the weakest once, that the men always get the highlights, being the strong brave heroes all the time.

She questioned why a female couldn’t be a brave and strong hero, to also be in the spot light i mean?

Well now, I’m a female and i grew up whit Nintendo and Sega before PlayStation took my interest.

I myself who grew up whit these games can actually say that i do not care what position they would always putt a female in back then. When it comes to really old games like these i still do not care.

In the late 80s Games i believe was meant for boys, so their moms could keep an eye on them instead of them being outside and get in trouble.
Games was bought mostly from boys/men not girls/women

In Disney movies a love story involves often a damsel in distress, since i was a child it has always been like that. Is it really something to get angry at and complain about?

I know the video was about stereotypes in games, movies since history.
Many women have fought for the right of us, and something’s has approved but we will never get it al.

Damsel in distress 2

Now we get into more modern games that still have the typical stereotype of a woman, helpless and weak.
And even today men get to be the main characters. 

She always takes up the fact that we always need savior from a brave man hero.

Then we come to more brutal situations in games, there women either gets killed, beaten up or begs to be killed.

Some weeks ago a finished a game called Dante’s inferno (which is awesome as ****)

And of course this game was mentioned in one of the examples, there a women need rescue.

In Dante’s inferno her name is Beatrice, Dante and she made a promise to the gods to never betray one another. Well Dante does just that by sleeping whit another woman.

When Dante gets home he finds her dead and then the devil takes her down to hell, Dante jumps after her and is faced whit seven stages of hell, so he can get her back.

So in a way he faces the punishments of he’s sins.

I’m just saying it’s not a dance on roses to be a hero; i mean give the guys some credit.

I wonder if the feminist party would be happier if we turned the tables and instead put Beatrice to save 

Dante, so she can go through hell, get beaten up and almost get killed. Let us putt a girl in that environment, you think they would be happy then?-.-

I understand GTA games and why some women get upset. 100 percent

Then Anita also said:
Violence in games against women is a troubling light of the seriur real life epidemic of violence against women facing the female population on this planet.

Every nine seconds a woman is assaulted or beaten in the United States.
On average, more than three women are murdered by their boyfriends, husbands or ex partners, every single day.

Irresponsible to games witch players are encouraged even "required" to preform violence against women in order to save the game.

Again? Wasn’t there a discussion about games being dangerous to younger people?

That the game is encouraging younger people to beat up or shoot others in school?-.-

And that Obama was to putt millions to see if that’s true?

How do we know the reasons for these crimes? For the murders?

Are games the reasons for young people getting into crime?

Wasn’t religion the reasons for these things once?( not because that’s better or smarter-.-)

Or are we just so eager to find something to blame on?

I know that games aren’t for every person in this world, definitely not for those that don’t know what’s right or wrong. 
But is game the source of the problem?
I really don’t believe that. Can games give ideas? Yes it truly can.

The school shootings, did the child start shooting at the other children because the game give him ideas how to do it? Or was he angry , sad and thirsty for revenge because of the bullying?

He who killed he’s wife or ex, did the game give him ideas how to do it? Or is he really unstable?

Easy to find reasons but hard to point out the real and true facts.

 If the industry wasn’t allowed to make a story that could relate to a real life one, we had no movies, series, books, and yeah games.

And trust me if we didn’t have these things the world would become darker.

If we get back to the game industry view of us women.

There are games that allow you to choose witch gender you want to play as.

Like in Dark souls, Kingdoms of amalur and saints row.

Today we have the choice to play as whom we want.

(Am i a Horney young female if i think she looks cool as h****?)

And now a days we can find games where the female is the main character, mass effect 3, remember me, byonetta,mirror ege, beyond two souls and much more.

Some companies get it but we can’t change the whole worlds minds.

I like to play as a male character in games, it can be boring to be a female sometimes, and i know I’m not alone at this

Should the companies putt a female tough the hell that the men faces when they tries to rescue a women, then they would find something else to complain about.

I mean al the main character are always white and mostly from the us-.-

And the females to? What about the colored people then? They rarely get a part in video games than us women.

I’m just saying things have been getting better, but i know that it always will be wrong no Mather what changes the industry makes.

Am i a horney lesbian if i want this on my shelf?

Or am i a fan of Dead island?