Risen 3- titan lords
Is an open
rpg game whit a lot of questing and a lot of adventures!
You start
of as a captain in search for treasures; you start your adventure on a crab
island whit the captain’s sister (your sister). As you venture on you stumble
upon a temple, as you find a way into the temple and venture further, you stand
in front a crystal portal. Through this portal a shadow lord appears and robes
you of your soul. You die have a funereal and day month’s years who knows
passes by. It’s when a shaman named bones finds your grave and brings you back
to life, your journey begins!
This game
is about building up an army so you can go in to war whit the underworld. While
doing that you’re trying to get your soul back.
You will be
visiting a lot of islands and some of these islands have a class spot to offer you.
You have 3 classes to choose from 1.guardian 2. Voodoo pirate 3. Demon hunter
You can
advance in these classes by finishing quests given by the class giver. Why choose
a class? Because each class gives you the chance to use magic and magic is bad
ass!? No but it would make things easier trough out the game ofc.
You can actually
buy magic from some characters in the game but it will eventually run out and
you will have to spend more gold. Gold you earn from completing quests.
The world
is being taken by the shadows and devoured by darkness. So you will be facing a
lot of enemies and a lot at the same time, sometimes! But luckily for us you won’t
be fighting alone, because as you adventure trough these worlds you will pick
up companions! I will compare this game a lot by the game I last wrote a review
about “bound by flame” I mentioned that the characters joining you in battle were
completely useless and die after five sec. The case is different here. Some character
here dies faster than the others and some is completely hard to kill… butt they
can still die ofc. If I were you I would go whit the shaman bones, he is a
healing tank and is not easy to take out!
I wouldn’t venture
into this would without anyone that would be too punishing!
The combo
is simple, Block, doge and hit. You can choose from a musket to a sword and
have a gun and ofc as I mentioned earlier you can buy magic whit your earned
gold. The battles here can be difficult if the enemy decides to attack in group
in about 10 monsters, that’s a frustrating battle.
In your
adventure you will find a lot of loot, like clothes, rings, bracelets, clothes,
food, gold and flowers. Food can be turned into healing potions and bracelets,
rings that can give you points in shooting, lock picking, pocket picking and…
silver tongue? The more points you have the less difficult you will be having
picking chests.
freaking quests! I would recommend this game to a person that is addicted to
quests. Its quest after quest. Quests that lead to other quests and quests that
has to be finished in another island. So you will be jumping around a lot when you’re
close to the end. Some quests don’t even inform you what island you have to go
The dialogues!
First of all the acting is not good but really close to bad but not bad so I care,
you understand? I don’t care so much but sometimes it’s so bad my heart starts
to sting and hurt. There is a ton of dialog in this game, some not important at
all but you have to listen and continue asking question even if you don’t want
to because in the end there is a quest… some quest aren’t even important either!
And when you have to answer you have the option to be rude or nice, if your
nice u gain a bit of humanity if your naughty you get closer to become a demon.
So yes the ending in this game is either bad or good based on your decisions.
Let me make
this clear, and for you who haven’t played this game don’t read, if you don’t want
to. The ending is so freaking poor it makes you mad. You will go through a ton
of quests and a ton of dialog and you will jump back and forth from island to
island. And you will receive a disgustingly poor ending! This is the ending
right here! If you’re good you will get a hug, if you’re bad you get no hug and
you can’t board the chip whit the others! WHAT!?
When you
complete something in this game you don’t feel rewarded at all? Completing a
quest here doesn’t reward you or make you feel proud! It’s just “oh well what’s
the next quest”? And then we get this ending to after plenty of hours put in
to this game? O my god…
Anyway that
aside. The environment is beautiful that is one of the reasons that kept me going.
The worlds aren’t that big but they have beautiful natures. That is something
risen 3 succeeded whit and bound by flame failed whit.
As I said
if you like questing then play this game, anyone that likes adventures games
can try this one out. I don’t hate the game I did enjoy it, it’s just the ending
made me so angry.
Remember this
is what I think about the game, if you feel like trying the game out then you
should it is not a bad game!...but the ending…
You can
find 2 play troughs of the game in my channel!