I have metioned before that i like to read crime facts and crime stories, but i usually dont read any book thats is in swedish language. Have you ever read a william shakespare book in swedish?just dont.
But ill take my hat off to these too wrighters because their wrighting is pure genius!
I do belive that i have read all their boks, witch are:
Pythians anvisningar
and now this one!
When they wrote the first 3 books they went by the name Eriksson alexander sundquist now they have shortened the name to Erik axl sund. And i cant really find the reason to why?
Their books are really graphic and thats why i like them!
You do not have tho read the 3 books before reading this one, just a few things will be confusing but its really not much.
In the other 3 books the main role is called jannete, shes an officer that is inspecting dead immigrant children, and working on her side is another officer called hurting.
The case it self will expand from dead children to cults,pedofiles and forbidden love.Ill recomend these books to anyone who likes more graphic crime books.
The psychological aspect in these books are well written and so interesting that you will find werry powerfull moments in the chapters that you just want to re-read again.
And when you think you got it all figured out you will be suprised whit an twist.
Thats why i love these books so much because of the twists and the psychological feel.
In this book you will read about a suicidal wave and Teenagers that thinks that dying is the new living, that deatht will make them vinsible and take away al their agony and pain.Also then we have the dysfunctional family.
A couple off kids that has experienced a hars childhood,seeing their mother going insane and wanting to die then beeing taken advantage off because the religious people around her thinks that satan has enterd her body. While her husband sitts and watch and her sons hides and vittnes everything.
A child thinking that people that commit suicide will hang on trees whit their hands tied so they cant hurt them self anymore, people who falls victims to murder will go to heaven and murderers to hell.
A persone who takes advantage of depressed teenagers who decided to end their lifes , he has taken the role to free them from agony and pain so they can go to a better place.
Through music and their last wishes they will pass on, and when the last seconds hitts in the music it will be over and done.
In a world where people worship fotboll starts and idiots...hmm think ive heard of it before?
Where teenagers seek music that speaks to them, or somone.
When murder becomes art.
I love this book because of the ending, i thought first the ending would be poor and werry dissapointing then the wrighters did something they are best at and that is to hitt you whit a huge twist.
The book is so well written, every character has its own story and dark secret that conects to the case, it is just so smart how they wrote this one.
Ill be waiting for their next book, hopefully there will be one soon.
These are the books ill read over and over again!
This is hands down the best pirate game out there!
You wont find a bether quality of a pirate game, i dont believe so.
The wonderfull thing is that you will find this game werry cheap, even tho it is worth more money than the current price!
Have a look out for the bigg sales because this game becomes a steal!
Having seen al the pirates of the caribbean movies and love them al, coming to this game is a jaw drop.
The atmosphere is so beautifull when sailing in your werry own ship, having your own crew singing and fighting for you!
Out in the sea there is much to see and explore, dive under the sea for treasures, go in to war whit other ships and take their bounty to upgrade your own and make it even stronger! Go catch a killer whale or a bull shark to upgrade your outfit or sell the skinn for some coin.
Go loot a dead mans corpse and take hes treasure map and claim that tresure by following its coordinates!
The islands are exotic and beautifull, the nature and the town enviroment is detailed.
In the islands you can loot chests, get assasi'ns contracts and save pirates that will add to your crew.
There are alot of beautifull deep jungels you can explore, and yes you can hunt aswell to upgrade you'r "armour" so there is a small crafting system in this game but its not like the crafting system's in typical survival games ( even thou that would be so awsome).
In this game you will be out at sea werry much so your ship is extremely important. Some areas are easier than others, out in the sea you will meet alot of battle ships whit different level, small ships do not carry so much bounty needed for your upgrade to your ship.
Bigger boats comes whit bigger bounty.
The battle mechanism in sea is werry well done, the first time i battled a ship i got so suprised over how well done the combat was made. you will have to shoot down a ship to it's weak point so you can board it and then try claming it, after you claim it you kan schoose to repair your ship after the battle or lower your wanted level, because when your wanted level is high stronger boats will come for you.
So when you get money in the beginning be sure to spend it wisely, i dident spend so much at al on gun
ns or sharp blades, al the money went monstly to the ship. but when you do have alot of money and your ship is okey then do whatever!
when out sailing there will be watch towers guarded by the enemy, come close enough and they will try to take down you boat, these watch towers comes whit different difficulty, it is wise to try and taking them down.
As usuall like almost all the assasin,s creeds game they give you some history, in the game you will see some famous pirates that lived long ago. Now if your interested you can copy this unharmfull link so you can read about the characters and the ships taking part of this game:
Now the combat on dry land, its not bad dont get me wrong, but it can get a bit clunky at times, you know? the way that makes you question if your controller is broken but you just bought the damn thing!?
You have smoke grenades, swords, assasinations blades lather in the game you will get darts, sleeping darts and berserk darts and they are so effective and damn op when used wisely.
The parkour works like any parkour game, he claims and jumps at the wrong places at the wrong time sometimes, its typicall to be honest. but after all the curses and head punching rage ( im not that crazy) i still love this game werry much.
Short about the story:
You play as Edward kenway, who made a prommise to hes wife before he left that he will return whit riches and well known name, he prommised her 2 years.
What he dident know is that he would be in an old strugle between the assasins, who fight for peace and free will, and the templars who fight for peace but a controlled one.
Edwards will is strong and hes thirst for coin and fame even more so, but he will soon realise that there are much more important things, while losing those he cares for and getting stabbed by those he thought he could trust Edward will soon open hes eyes and get the true vidion of greatness.
So now to what i hate the most , the freaking Abstergo Entertaiment! The absolutly most boring part in this game, everytime i enter it i take my head phones off!
Is these parts off the assasin's creed games that actully make the AC BORING, if that part dident exist i would have more AC games by now.
An amazing game! would play it again, a must buy!
Last words to you from me sir!
Screw you for never litsening to me! screw you for making me doubt my controller!
My godness, this game is just amazing!
Obviusly i bought the game because im a lords of the ring's fan! So actually meeting character's in the game that you remeber from the movies is a nergazm!
So first of al people were werry quick whit comparing this game to assasian's creed and bathman games,and i do understand the compariosn allot.
you will be reminded of assasian'screed when hes climing up and jumping down buildings, the combo's reminds alot about bathman where you have to puch a certain button at a specific time to block the foe coming behind you, and more ofc.
The game is an open world,hack and slash,adventure stealth game, it take place in the world of mordor where your surrunded by orc's. You will see and hear orcs everywhere so you always have to be on your guard!
The games main thing is to slay orc cheifs and orc "elites" to weaken the dark lord army. You can find them across the map, or find them in side quest missions.
What you have to do first is gather intel of other orcs so you can find their location and know their weaknesses.
You do get punisht hard by the game if you lose to an orc, al the orcs that are up for assassination will increase in level and get stronger.
Also some orcs have bodyguards so it is smart to kill them first before attacking their leader.
I have many times encounter 5 orc leaders at the same time and trust me it is frustrating.
After an orc cheif kill ,you'll get xp so you can get points to open up new abilites, that is what the side quest's are about so you should defenetly do as much as you can.
I can promisse you that you will be facing alot of orcs at the same time, but when you get to know the game you will know how to make use of the enviroment.
The combo contains sword, bow and daggers also things you can upgrade.
The weapons have runes on them and in each rune you can putt an ability like " after every orc kill gain health" or for the bow " after eevery headshoot kill gain 2 arrows" these abilites drops after you kill an orc cheif, so you see why they are so important to kill. and it never ends untill you want it to.
I dont know how many cheifs i killed they just keep coming back.
There are few animals in this game one is the catagor, you will learn to mount this beast because some mission's recquires it, and some war cheifs are really sceared of this beast.
I dont want to get in to the story much, im gonna putt it short and simple. Talion (the character you will be playing) was denied death, he saw the hammer of sauron slaughter his family infront of hes eye, so now he is in a journey to breake the curse so he can unite whit hes family in death.The other person that will follow us in our journey is the Elf Lord Celebrimbor, he merges whit tailion to seek revenge. The elf lord suffers from memory loss, in the world you will be playing you will find items that will reveal a part of the elf's past.
Usually i would stop playing a game where you find yourself doing the same thing over and over again, but in this game i wanted to finish everything, because i just love the world so much and the game so i wanted to get good at it.
I absolutely recomend this game to any stealth,hack and slash lover out there, i love this game and cant wait untill shadow of war!
I hope shadow of war comes whit something different so it doesent feel like im playing the same game.And i hope we get to see more things that remineds of the movies we love!
Before the beginning there was
nothing-no earth, no heavens,
no stars, no sky: Only the
mist world, fromless and shapeless,
and the fire world, always burning.
I do love the lord of the rings movies and other fantasy movies, but when it comes to reading them i get rather tired fast. Even though i have a nice collection of fantasy books, i have prioritised other subjects first
I went to a book store hoping to find maybie a fine poetry or fact book about medicine or animals, maybie a crime book aswell.
But i couldn't find anything that would bring my interest to light.
I came upon this book and i thought: hmm a fact book about norse myth, why not go back to the vikings and read about their time, but still i wasent sure.
Then i read that the authors insperation was Tolkien and the world of comics and super heroes. So i thought why not then.
Im werry pleased that i bought it but it wasent really what i expected wich isn't really a bad thing here.
The book is about the myth gods like Odin the all father, thor, lokie, freya, balder and ymir and much, much more.
The chapters contains a storie about each god, also how everthing came to be and ended. even how poetry came to be.The chapters explains the gods abillities and how even their wepons came to be and the crazy journeys they been trough. I wouldn't see this like the typical fact book at al, wich maybie isn't the point.
Me personaly, i see this book as a cozy fantasy, story book.
The book is werry exiting and really funny sometimes, it was extremely hard to putt down the book sometimes because of the excitment, and im really sad that the story is over.
The book does go to the point fast in every chapter, and in every chapter is a new story. But you do picture a world in your head because he explains it well.
After the introduction you get to read about Odin thor and loki, because most of the stories you will read in this book concerns them most.
And then you will get in to a chapter " before the beginning and after" how the world looked before life was born and how it was born.
I love the fantasy in this book i really enjoyed every second spent on reading it.
What made me enjoy it more (because i am a gamer) is the fact that i play smite and al the myth gods are in there whit al other myth gods an creatures, and i dident know so much about them, and now i do!
Ill recomend this book to any fantasy loving persone or anyone who just wants good and exiting story telling about the myth we al heard of. It is a easy book to read thank god. small text makes me dizzy...
And if you wonder if th book is like lords of the rings in some ways , then ill have to say yes and no.
the fantasy and the world tolkien brings, norse myth reminds you of it a bit.
But when it comes to details then lords of the rings stories ar way abowe.
BUY THE BOOK! you have to have this one in your fantasy collection! Thanks to this book i will be readyn my other fantasy books!
Now before i start, let me clear out something.
I do not hate Call of duty! I have bought many games off this franchise and almost enjoyed every single one of them. I you would have asked me before "what is your favoirte shooter game?" i would have said call of duty.
I still enjoy mostly the old games even today!
And i probebly would like to buy the new one but i wont because of reasons and one of them is, DISSAPOINTMENT for the producers.
Year 2016 4 november was the day Infinite warfare got released. The game was taken in to the future, something many fans weren't so happy about including me! Other people diden't care and was actually looking foward to it.
Either way i bought the game of the simple tought that it might be fun to play anyway's, like many did.
Along whit alot off other people we got really dissapointed.
The game was just so lazy done compared to Black ops 3, and Ifw was in development since 2014.
I spent 60 euros that wasen't solid, i truly do not understand people when they say that the game was solid? I had alot of issues when playing the game! we are not gonna talk about Infinite that much because i dont want this to turn into a infinite warfare review.
But it is one of the reasons why im dissapointed even now.
Finally in 2017 they announced that they are taking the game back to World War 2.
And ofc i am happy whit the fact that they finally decided to litsen to their loyal fans!
Look at that price tho, are you serius?
Cant they give something back to their loyal fans at al?
Im not saying a free game,but after the dissapointment they released last year , couldnt they make it a litle bit cheaper?
Or you know what? keep the price but dont charge for the dlc's? that probably will release long after the game release.
The other funny thing i sthat it hasen't even gone a year and they have already announced this game that will cost 60 euros... The game will be released 3 november so kinda a year there.
It still doesent change the fact that they are mad hungry for your wallet.
And for me personally,i could enjoy a game for more than a year!
I wont have any respect for the producers untill they give back something to you loyal fans.
The games are great, but the company tho...
Anyway whit al thay being said:
Im not here to tell you wat to do or how to spend your money. I just hope the game will be good and that al of you will have fun whit it!
This is just what i think!
I have a youtube channel i play many different games there! if your intrested stop by!
Take care!
You will play as Ajay Ghale, who has gone to he's homeland to spread he's mothers ashes.
Shortly after arriving,he's buss get's attacked by goverment forces.Ajay and he's guide gets taken away by Pagan Min,the voilent king of kyrat. When Pagan takes Ajay away he indicates that he knew he's mother, and that they once shared a romance.
After ajay gets left alone he decides to escape whit he's mothers ashes.
During he's escape he lather meets up whit Sabal, one of the leaders of the revolution group Golden Path,wich Ajays father once grounded.
Shortly after, Ajay get's Introduced to Amita, that is a bit skeptic about ajay's arrival. She is the second leader of the golden path. Ajay Lather decides to join goldhen path to free kyrat from pagans rule.
You will soon understand That alot off choices have to be made as you process foward.
Many choices will be choosing beetwen Sabal and amita.
So that means that the game hase different endings.
So i will shortly tell you a litle bit about these two leaders:
Sabal: Favours traditional values.
Amita: Argues for progress.
One of them is a bit more agressive than the other, but they both are Blood thirsty leaders.
You will kill alot off people for them just so they can continue killing for what they think is best for kyrat.
You will do alot off dirty work for these two, thinking every steps makes a brighter kyrat.
You will soon understand that your surrounded by dictators.
And the guy you think is the bigest theif in the game...might not be so bad after al, if you put behind everyone he's murderd ofcourse..
Funny part is he is supposeto be the big mean guy in the game, but i feel like he probably was the weakest,do to the fact that there wasen't any boss fights whit him at al. you only kill he's people thats it. So in a way i must say that the ending killing him off is kinda disappointing.
Its just a mess in kyrat.
All Ajay wanted was to spread some ashes man!? now hes drowning en one gigant bowl of political madness!
There is a secret ending in this game and i belive that it is the best one!
The Gameplay
The game is an open world whit beautifull naturly enviroment,whit organic feel do to the fact that you see alot of animals, and people doing their own thing.
There is many different way's you can cross the land whit, either in the skies,the roads or in boat.
There will be alot off people you will cross that either wants to kill you or needs your help. Yeah and animals that probably wants to eat you ofc.
The game is very stealth heavy, and every mission you do is about sneak attacks and taking over bases. The main quest are very much like the sides quest so you will be doing the same thing al the time, but they are never done the same way ofc.
Nothing in this game is hard to understand, it's pretty much straight foward.
For every base,main mission,side quest or you unlock, brings new weapons and abillities.
There is alot of beautifull weapon in this game but, im just a bow hunting maniac.
The hunting aspect is that you hunt to expand your inventory bags like ammo bags,meat bags or arrow bags. You can allso hunt for the meat to create an distraction when your gonna take on a base whit enemies, throw the meat and just hope for a rude hungry animal to come and eat most of them.
There will be missions where you have to kill the more rare animals, because their skin will make a nice suit. But its mostly for the inventory. I do wish the hunting in the far cry series can be as heavy as the stealth.
Singel Player
You can absolutley enjoy this game by your self 100%.
It's just that when you play alone you will notice faster that your doing the same thing al over again. Not because that stop't me from playing the game or enjoying it less. And i have to say that it is a shame that the main story cant be played whit a friend.
Now playing whit a friend is a total different experience.Just going around and trying everything out whit your buddy is awsome. It becomse so much more fun to take over bases whit a friend or hunt something, it is so damn fun do to the fact that the enviroment is organic anything could happend and can bring a good laugh.
It's wonderfull that you can play online and take help from strangers, but i never did so thats that.
Stealth,adventure and action lovers must buy. If your the one that searching for a pure hunting game then this is not really for you. If your two friends then you guys will have a blast!
I loved this game i recommend it to you!
Hope this helpt in anyway!
And remeber i have a youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3X5LqGcFv5WFroNsVQKAbw
Come by and leave a follow if you enjoy these types of games!