Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Think about who your suporting!

So i like artist that i can look up to and  that uses their talent smartly and se the value of having a talent.

But now a days some artist gets to mutch suport, so even when they really F*** up they still get alot of suport, and that leads to the artist f***** up again because their fans keeps the green rolling in.

I hate when people say " you know what, he/she did a mistake and did a video there he / she was sorry but i like the music and still will litsen to it)

Do you even know what your doing? where is the justice on that really? Your still giving money or The artis still gets more money thanks to you. witch really mean your giving your money to a rapist, abuser, or any kind of kriminal?
We have fans that says " so what ?everyone does mistakes, the difference here is hes/ hes got out on the media al over"

It is a difference?YOU know why? if you see your neighbor beating up hes kid or dog, would you suport him after that? No! and wouldent you get pisst that he got so mutch suport off hes friends so he could skipp jail?

Isent it worst when an artist makes a huge and really bad mistake that a regular person? ( non famous)

YES! and understand that it isent just because hes case goes out on media al over no its  because he/she is suposse to sett an example , and who needs an insperation or needs to look up to a persone the most?
The young people, teenagers and children.

Artist now a days have really bigg inpact on children and teenagers.

If your an parent wouldent you care about who your children are suporting? MUSIC have a bigg effect on people.

If people still suports a famous artist, understand that the person wont stop just because YOU are giving alot of suport.

And your thinking " im just one persone , why does it mather?"

It mathers because everyone is thinking just like you and your putting your money on  something bad.

Many artist does drugs and thats a fact and not that offencive to the world, but not werry good if a child is looking up to you. we AL are litsening to somone that is doing drugs, we cant really help that or change that.

But if it is abuse,rape or discrimination and  you see it in front of you in the news, stop and think for a wile if the persone did it to you , would you still give suport? even if he/se sings good or dances good or is a good acter? you shouldnt . How will people learn from their mistakes and take consequences If he still got alot off people on its side?

It really makes me mad how careless some people can be, that just because it doesent happend to them its allright. an just because it has a good talent it doesent mather.

Artist needs to be more carefull , they knew that people would look up to them, but still some just doesent get it. And this is what happens when they get more money than they can handle.

For some, money owns them, they dont own the money.

I know artist are humans whit their own problem.  But i will have a problem whit YOU if you do a hundred apology videos and screw it up again after that.

No mather what kind of human it is, if he/she does something really bad we do not suport! you deserve consequences.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Step up revolution

When i heard that a new step up dance movie is about to come  out , i wasent werry positive about it.

I tought to my self " no! not another crap love story, poor dance movie" 
And when i say poor i dont mean "bad" i mean not the same shit again.

Step up had a good story but to litle off dance, i wasent even sure if it was supose to be a dance movie? i feelt that way because it was more story than dance , but the movie was really really good and i wouldnt mind seeing it again.

Cute love story between two dancers whit different dance styles. they meet fall in love and combine the two dance styles in the final of the movie. shes ritch hes poor.

Step up 2.  Good dance good story, still a love story but it dident mather because the dance was just as mutch.  I love this movie, the dance was really good and the story was okey, and funny at some times. a movie i could see again. the love story isent " come on get your hands of eatchother" it was more "okej im happy for them, now dance!"

The balance here between the story and the dance was good and there was alot of good dancers in here. 

Step up 3. Oh brother this movie made you tired . I dident mind the dance , i know that if your a dancer ur probebly just going to focus on the dance , and that the story doesent really mather.

but you know what? For me it does, when i saw this movie i thought" are you kidding me?"

They said everything i allredy heard everything i have allredy seen? 
you kinda wished that they would have stoped after step up 2.

they have this "handsome" guy and this beautifull modern dancer girl. well she can dance anyway , He by the way is only there to look "good" , like its going to cover the fact that the dude got no skills?

Its iritating to just se him standing there moving one arm and then the dancer thats covers for him does al the work? and you can see that there is an other dude covering for him? its a joke!

They really dident think so mutch of the details here. 

I know that  the street dance movie  maybie doesent have anything to do whit this, but i just have to talk about it.

Street dance 1. I liket it . Story was good , the dance was okej. The battle was the best in the whole movie. the final dance could have been betther. i have al recpect for the dancers in the movies so no hard feelings.
I just had a problem whit the last dance, it was tooo slow to win im sorry.

The storry was good it was different, it wasent like " i found you, you found me lets dance and break the rules" no it was more " you played me and now im in charge of the group, you played the group and i found somone new" not exactly like that but in a way different.

Street dance 2. NO NO NO. you guys should have just stoped ! They have amazing dancers in this movie but the god damn rutine slows them down! why couldnt you guys just have let them done their own thing, then the rutine would have been bether because i  know what these dancers can do!   
I do not have a problem whit salsa but i dont think they used it in a smart way here ,im sorry but its like the salsa slow the rutine down when it shouldnt be doing that.

The story is the same story like step up 3 exactly the same, i knew the lines and how it would end before i even started to watch this movie. It was like i have seen this movie a 1000 times!

I know the story shouldnt even mather but  i cant help but beeing iritated about it because the dance doesent really cover the story enough. I love the dancers here but hate the persone that did a rutine like that whit talented dancers. I will never ever see this movie again!

I have seen alot of dance movies these is just a few. But dance movies now a days have poor stories or should i say the same story al the time, i mean at least change the lines because when you get iritated in one thing or many it will ruind everything, if the dance in these movies isent PERFECT.
I know ,i know and i will say it again my self, its about the dance  and if your a dancer the story shouldnt mather,  but whit out a story it wouldnt really be a movie? a movie is based on a story if im not wrong? or else it would be more of a dance Documentary? or something else.

Step up 4.

I promised my self that i wouldnt see this movie because i tought i kne that it would be a disaster.

And man was i totaly WRONG. this movie blew me away . The dance Blew me away from begining to end, it was so perfect , it was so well made so well organized and creative! we have the best dancers in this movies! Finally i see Packman! AND Mia Michaels! A few other dancers from the other step up movies was here to. And the best robot in the world you know who i am talking about( i dont know hes name alright? ) So explosive. 

They really combined art whit dance even tough dance is art. They did it so beautifully it almost made me cry. 

The story was acceptable , yes is a love story but not so mutch pain in the ***. I can really tell that they have putt alot of efford in the story and dance. Even if i heard the line i can so well now" i wanna break the rules, break the rules" Its really stuck in my head now its like i have heard it 100000 times. But you know what it doesent mather at al the dance cover the story perfectly this time, the dance blew me away totaly, i dident even care for the story this time whitch is hard for me not to.
The story has a few slow momenst and its not because it sucks no its because you just want to see the DANCE.

I wont go so deep on this movie al i can say is tha everyone should see it because it is sending a good message .

In dance: There is no limits there is only you, be your self or you get stuck, no mather where you are dance can be everywhere, dance brings joy dance brings tears, dance can bring strong messages.

You dont have to dance to see this movie, do you like entertainment, THEN WATCH IT!