Wednesday, January 23, 2019

36 Hours A Day (36 timmars dygnet) About Alzheimers disease and other dementia disease. Book Review.

I still remeber that day when i was a child and walked in to my grandmothers room.
She was sitting at the ege of her bed in the dark crying.
I asked her:
-whats wrong grandmom?
-Im losing my memory she said crying and drying her tears while she was looking down.
I dident understand anything al i could do was sitt next to her and hold her.

To start losing precious memories or the names of people you care about, and stop understanding whats going on around you and then get scared is an awfull feeling.
Or start doing a bad job because you dont understand it so well anymore so you have to stop working at your dream job or stop working overall when you been working for many many years.

Or when you get to that point where you have to give your whole trust in somone else to bath you, change your clothes or feed you.
It works differently from person to person but alot of people is living trough this right now.
 And just because your old doesent mean you have dementia. Not al people get dementia.

I think everyone should read this book to build an understanding for the elderly. Because alot of elderly people are either lonley or forgotten. 

Maybie you have a grandmother you really love and your not understanding what is happening to her and that scaers you. 
If somone you love has dementia or is sick  and your really care fore then it will affect you, it will get hard for you,because your losing her a bit at the time and there is nothing you can do that could stop it.
All you can do is make her happy, its important that they still have fun and that they are still included in activities whit their families.
And its important that you have pations and take care of your self to. 
Its so important you know what help you can get and if there is somone maybie in your family that can help you out.
This book gives advice for these type of situation.

It is important to have an big understanding for the elderly and what they are going trough.
Even if some may be whitout these disease i find it still important to have an understanding about these disease
And even if they are whitout these disease they still need somone to show that they mather and that they are cared for.
After i read this book i had more understanding for the elderly and of some of their behaviors. 
The behaviors that made me ask myself :
Is she doing this to make me mad or is she sayning these things to make me sad or hurt?
Why is she acting this way?
Why cant she understand?
I told her so many times this and that, some times she litsens and some times she doesent, why?

This books explains everything.
This book tells you what you should do when you notice that,  for example your mom or father is starting to forget simple things or close friends names or friends childrens names. It tells you what to do when you notice changes in her/his memory.

It explains the help you can get from doctors , curators ,occupational therapy and so on.
It all depends on the results and how they are going to treat her/him, they will make future plans from there.

This book gives you alot of advice if your somone who is taking care of an elderly whit this desieases in your home. Even if your alone or have people in your famely that is helping you

This book explains the process of the desiaese and what is does to the brain and what causes some behaviors.
It also explains the diseases, what they are and what they do and the difference between them.
Some explinations are harder than the other but as long as you understand dementia and what it does and alzheimers then you are good.

The chapters:

1. Dementia
2.How will the person whit dementia get medical help?
3. The typical problems at demntia diseases.
4.Problems whit living an independently life.
5. Porblems in the daily care.
6.Medical problems.
7.Behavior problems.
8.switching moods.
9.Specific arrangements if you get sick.
10.Help from outside.
11.You who have a family member whit dementia.
12.How the medical care of the demential person effects you.
13.To care about yourself.
14.To kids and teenagers.
15. The Economical and legal questions.
16.nursing homes and other housing.
17.Brain diseases and cause of dementia.
18.research about dementia.

I will give a shot explination of dementia here.

Dementia is not a disease of its own its a line of diferent symptoms caused by other different diseases.
Like when you get fever, caugh or dizzines from different diseases.
What is dementia?
Its a loss or reduction of the psychical abillity and  an reduction of the intellectuall abilty.
And dementia doesent attack one part of the brain it attacks different parts of the brain.
The brain consists of miljions of microscopic neurons.
The brains hundreds of different fuctions is the result of the communication between these cells.
That the communications between these cells is  possible is do to the neurotransmitters that is inside the nervcells.
These neurtransmittors works badly when you have dementia.So the communication between the brain cells gets thinner.
So injured neurons works like a bad lightning globe in a way.
And that can also explain alot of the behaviors.

Alzheimers disease  can give you bad memory and a reduct of the intellectuall ability and take you to to the point where your totaly helpless.And it breaks down your body.
The symptoms starts slow and it seems like its only the memory part that has been affected.
The person will have difficulties learning new things, and may experience difficulties at work.
You might notice a change in the personality.
Of the course of the disease the persone whill have more difficulties finding words, writing and understand explinations. He might even stop reading and stop watching tv.
He might start walking  clumsy or start walking leaning foward and start walking faster.
He will have difficulties doing things he once could do whit out a problem.
There is a possibility that he wont be able to understand whats going on around him and could lead to him misinterpreting the situation, that in the end  will result in tantrum.
Alzheimers affects the whole body. So he will be physically and mentally disabeld.

This book is about the affected once, the one whit the disease and the one that is takin care of the demential persone.
Always remeber that this is a 24/7 job  and sooner or lather you will have to take a break for your own good and the person.
Your stress will go over to the demential person and it could make things worse.

Depression is a time theif and could decrease the dementail persones life span
So its important to know what you can do and what help you can get.

Remeber your only human, but dont forget that this person is sick and that  your not alone.
And whatever you may feel trough sandess or anger remeber its probebly normal and alot of people in your situation probebly feels the same way.
Allways have somone you can talk to its really important.

Its not an hard book to understand, its alot about wainting to understand.
So if you go in college ( or maybie even high school) and you want to understand this then you will.
Its an easy book to read and doesent have small texts.