Saturday, December 28, 2013

New year soon!

Havent been wrighting in a while so i thought i would before i leav town!

My birthday was in 13 dec, i had a nice time whit my family.

I got alot of games, because they know i love to play, after al these game i have, i said to my self no more untill dark souls 2. Or untill i have played out al of my games...

I really dont feel like buying or getting more games at al. I have what i want now.

Dark souls 2 is something im really longing  for right now, it is the first time i order or am getting a collection edition.

On my b-day i got Prototype 2, kindoms of amalur and battlefield 3. Wich made me really happy because bf4 is really unplayable, i want i game i can play for hours whitout it craching in my face.

So right now im playing prototype 2, i dont think i will put the whole game on my channel , i might just make a rewiev and put a few videos on my channel, maybie som boss fights or something like that.

The game isent bad, theres alot of missions , side missions and chanllenges. Each one upgrades some of your skills.
The fun thing whit the prototype games is the way you kill your enemies. Its gory and brutal.
The enviroment in the second one looks alot better, and more detailed.
And thats al i can say for now.

I played the first prototype, it's not really my type of game, but the second one is more enjoyable.
I think i rage quit on the first one and just dident look back.. My feelings are mixed.

Oh and i forgot i got final fantasy 8 on steam to, i played that game when i was i kid so i really love that game alot.

I will just wright a rewiev on games i dont want to putt on my channel.

I will start putting up videos again on my youtube channel, i just wanted to lay low and see if any of my videos would get taken down.
I guess they are still left because im not making money out of this, i dont know. But i waited in 2 weeks or less and nothing happend so i think its ok.

Im still thinking if i should start streaming on twitch next year, i still dont know and need more time to think about it.
It seems fun to play infront of a live chat.

But we will see what the  new year will bring!

Happy new year! have fun!

Do not forget to vidit my channel!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Im done...Battle field 4

I really have no clue what to do anymore...
They say that they are going to fix it and we are still waiting, and the game is still craching.
It makes me mad just like anyone else that have spent alot of money, and this is what you get.
I really like the game but i cant stand it anymore!

I have to shut my whole system down just to be able to leave the game when it craches.
And they had plans for the future to realese, battle field franchises every year i think?
But because of the mad customers and the buggy ass game, they can kiss those plans good bye.

I have heard bad things about battle field 3, but as long as you can stay online for hours whitout it craching like crazy then its al fine for me!

Will i go back to play battlefield f4 someday?
i probebly will... because i do like the game, so its about me accepting the buggy facts sooner or lather...
hopefully they can fix it somehow!

Anyway luckely i bought call of duty, but not ghost, i bought black ops 2.

I have been wanting it for some time now and i am new to it so. and i dont know its just my opinion but it looks a bit better to me.
When i buy a game it just have to klick. 

I have also started to play aion.
Man that game looks so incredible, and im so amazed that its for free, it looks so good and you can steer your character by the arrows ( thanks god) i hate when you have to klick whit your mouse so your character moves.
i like it alot , im a warrior and hes  level 8!

i wont record it just now because its always a bit slow in the beginning!

New year is soon here, and next year i will get my dark souls 2 collector edition! i have pre -orderd it!
I cant wait!
And im thinking if i should make a new year promise to start streaming on twitch and take my gaming a bit more serius.
We well see!

Please do not forget to suport my channel! i would really appreciate it and it would make my day!

Have a nice day!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Battlefield 4-The Problems

We all know about the glitches and have experienced many problems, so I know that I’m not alone in this.
The funny thing is that people actually bought new computers so they could run the game smoothly, I think even Ea said that it would be a smart idea (of course).

I do not know much about Ea as a company, I go after what i heard and read of others that have been loyal to the company.
So what I am writhing now goes to them.

I’m just going to go over those issues I have been experienced through my playthrough.
For me the game freezes a lot and what I mean by freezes I mean that I can’t shut the game down and opend it over again no I have to turn my whole computer of and then back on again.
When I play the game in 64 bit, it gets buggy as hell, the environment glitches like crazy, I think I even fell through the floor when I played the campain.
Sometimes it freezes a lot and sometimes it doesn’t.
When I heard that people that does have way better computer than me experience the same issue, I can’t actually help but to laugh.
I laugh even harder when I read how experience they are when it comes to Ea’s shitty releases.
I have hear they say, that ea is the devil, that they have had an  history of Ea’s shitty games, and that Ea was elected  worst company in American history, twice I think even?

And we would expected that they would have learned a lesson now? As it actually seems they treat their customers like walking banks, taking a lot of advantage.

That people actually knew this and then bought a freaking new computer or graphic card just so an Ea game could run better is freaking hilarious!
And what do they do? they freaking range in hours about this shitty release when they knew the risks.
So can we really only be angry at ea for not learning from their mistakes when clearly some customers haven’t either?
I didn’t even know the company was this bad, before I read a lot of complaints and comments about this issue regarding battlefield.
And that’s when I took my time and thought about all this.

I would have never ever bought a new computer just because a game would run better.
I always lookt if the game fits my computer, and if it doesn’t I do not buy it at al.

I have many games from Ea but I haven really experience so much problems in those games.
I heard that even batman origins was glitchy as hell?
I am so happy that I didn’t buy it, it looked like poo anyway, and it looked like it would be really bad. I’m happy whit my 2 batman games I have here at home.
And the other thing is, people that bought battlefield 4 bought also batman origins? Come on now?
And you’re going to sit there and be angry?

You do want you want  whit your money man, but don’t sit and get frustrated over a company that clearly could be elected worst company of the year five times and jet  wouldn’t learn shi**t
I think we need to learn from our mistakes before we expect others to do so.
The only thing I think would teach them a lesson is if you stop supporting their shitty games!
As long as they have their customers they will be satisfied.
Is the same thing about everything, even incompetent artist that people love to support, that’s why they can get away whit everything, do you understand? (justin bebier, miley and chris brown..and more)

Anyway, I don’t know if this is true but I do hope so, I read that dice will be working on the netcode issues and a fix to the freezing and crashing issue.

They are not sure if the upcoming patch will include both netcode optimization and crash fixes.
That they wanted to beat call of duty ghost whit these bugs  is funny.

Hopefully this frustration will come to an end and hopefully Ea can get rid of their greedy attitude and value their customers a bit more.

Make sure to suport my channel!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Battlefield 4 –Beginner’s journey! Day 5 or 4

This game guys!

I stay happy, even if I die 1000 of times, because I love playing this game so much!
I’m having so much fun.
It’s like New Year’s Eve in this game, a lot of explosions and screaming, you’re just caught up in the action al the freaking time!
You should see me when I’m playing; I have a big smile on my face, screaming WOW all the time!
I rage a lot in games, but in this one I’m as happy as can be.

I did get some courage to record today.
There is a lot of death but, you should know I was really happy here haha.
By the way, is it only me or is counter strike harder than battlefield?
My journey is really good.

Still playing as an assult.

And I hate the fact that snipers can shoot through walls! And floors!? Aint nobody got time for that!

Watch my video if you want in my channel, and yes I know I’m not good !

My drawings

                                                              Darksiders The council
                                                 Darksider is one of my favorite games!
                                 And i do hate the fact, that there will not be any strife or fury!

                                                    Me and my friend plays cs :go alot.
                                       She has a cow as a profile picture and i have a shark.

                                                           Dead Pool being dead pool!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Battle field 4- Beginners journey-day 3.

It is the first time ever playing battlefield, and when I did try it out 3 days ago, my first attempt, it was so freaking confusing for me.
I got shoot at all the time and I didn’t even know from where, I just died and died and died.
So I tried out the campaign, my thought was maybe it would help me bee a little better.
Well I learned to aim and shoot better and that’s it.
Like I have always said, if you want to learn the maps and handle an online war, you need to be in the war online.

Whit time you will get an eye and feel for the maps, and how to stay alive a bit longer.
I always choose “team death match”
The reason is that, I am always concerned that people would be rude if we are a group whit few players, in death match there is a lot of people, so they will not notice or care if you screw up.

In two days I have been playing the campaign and practice a bit online, it has been frustrated.
But day tree was totally different, now I am at level 2 (it makes me really happy considering that I have never played this kind of game before).
I just couldn’t rage quit this game it’s to freaking good!
And it payed of.

What I did was sticking to my group, I help them and Throw them some med kit if they need it ( I am playing as an assault).
You do get rewarded by helping your team; there is many ways than shooting and killing.
I have tried the different classes and I like assault, I don’t really know what could be my second one, but I will find it out when I have gotten far whit my class.

The single player is good, but I bought the game mainly for the online multiplayer.
I do not regret a thing I love this game so much!
I won’t be recording my gameplay online because I’m still dying too often, when I feel a bit more advance I will.

I could record the main story  , when it will be I do not know!

Visit my channel! maybie you will find something you like!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Battlefield 4- What about us beginners?

I haven’t been so much in to the battlefield series, but I must say that battlefield 4 looks epic.
I just started to go in shooter games online and so on; I’m a fan of counter strike.
I have tried counter strike and, now I really want to play battlefield 4.
I like counterstrike because its ton of fun and you can practice on bots before you go online, even dough it’s not the same and you have to get used to play online because of the more advanced players.
You still have a bit of a hint of what you’re supposed to do anyway.
You can practice shooting headshots which gives you the big advantage online.

The good thing about was that you could enter a “forum” or a quick play for beginners.
This is good, so you don’t have to feel terrible.

I read that battlefield 4 will have a “test rage” everyone seemed pleased about this and it was quested off many fans.
In Test rage you can practice your shooter skills, boat driving, and driving an airplane.
I do not want to sound negative, but this can’t be better than playing whit bots?
Even dough you have to play online sooner or later to get used to that, but still.
What is the fun in shooting wooden targets whit an airplane and a machine gun?
Now I don’t care about this, I will go in test range and practice, but I know it won’t do me much at al.
We all have been beginners ? Right? In shooting games?

What happens when a beginner is online in a group, and against a group that are a bit more advanced than you are? What happens when you mess up?
They get pisst as hell!
I remember the first time I went in counter strike and messt up, doesn’t mean a thing if you say you’re sorry, they kick you out or shoot you to death…your own freaking team mates.
I like playing online but I want to be prepared.
And it is a bit sad that people goes crazy over a game when others just want to have a bit of fun.

I really hope I didn’t make a mistake in ordering battlefield 4, it looked so good, and if I can’t practice decently, then I just have to get shit from others, until I get better.

I play different kinds of games! Visit my site if your interessted!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Darksiders 2 rewiev

Death is one of the four horsemen, the last of the nephilim.
Death trapped the souls of his fallen brethren in an amulet, earning the title of kinslayer,among others ( though he kept its preservation a secret, since the council ordered the nephilims souls destroyed).
While war I charged whit is crimes( dooming mankind), the horseman death sets out on a personal mission to erase his brothers “crime” and resurrect humanity, he belives that he’s brother is innocent.
We start of in icy veil-a dimension between the three kingdoms of heaven, hell and earth.
We seek the keeper of secrets for proof of wars (deaths brother) innocence and the way to restore earth.
Keeper of secrets known as the crow father tells us that we have to get to the tree of life in order to restore humanity.
The crow father is bitter because he was given the Nephilim amulet (which torments him whit no end), refuses to let death pass and attacks him in the shape of war.
Death kills the crow father and the amulet shatters and embeds itself in his chest, knocking him out and sending him into a portal created by the crow father’s death.

To the people that isn’t familiar to the game.

The Charred Council dedicated themselves to maintainin order and balance, in order to preserve the very fabric of the universe.
They created a brotherhood, the four horsemen of the apocalypse “war, death, strife and fury.)
There is a battle on earth between demons and angels, and in the middle there is war, he gets surprised that the other horsemen hasn’t arrived jet dough this is the final battle.
He gets sent to the council for judgment; he is accused of destroying the balance by bringing about the apocalypse, aiding in the destruction of the kingdom of man.
He is sentence to death but protests his innocence and demands a chance to find the one responsible for starting the apocalypse prematurely and to restore balance.
The nephilin- is an ancient and endangered race derived from both angels and demons.

That is what the first game is about.
Now I’m going to talk about the second one.
These games are definitive one of my favorites.
I loved the first one and absolutely the second one, the game seems to only get better and better, and that is why it’s a shame that darksiders 3 wont happened, that is really disappointing.

Dou I did love the first one, the second one was more beautiful, the environment is large and the environment of tree and stone is beautiful to the fullest.
What’s even more awesome is the character death, he is a ton of fun to play, he can run on walls jump clime on mountains, it got a parkour feel to it.

The weapons death uses are two scythes, and axes or hammer, they are slower.
Primary weapons (scythes) and secondary weapons (hammer, axe, or claws).
When you kill an enemy they can drop, weapons, armor, potions and money.
So you can dress death how you feel like, as long as the armor is good.

You can even sell or trade items you find.
The fights are smooth, fast and really good; this game gives you much to handle the battles better.
The world is an open world so take you time to look around and for god sakes level up, take your time to level up, and get better and better.

When you level up you can choose cool skills for your fighting, you can even summon ghouls to help you out or crows they could be a good distraction and you can level them up to.

In the different worlds you visit you gain a bigger ability, like death grip (grips hooks far away or enemies)
Phasewalker (This item can now tear a void in the present and the past, allowing for time travel)
Soul splinter (death soul is removed from he’s body, which transforms into stone, and then split into two)
These are some of the abilities you will gain, but there is more. Everything to help you in your travels and make this game even more epic.
There also are many side quests you can do, and I advise you to do them all to level up and get stronger.
There are also puzzles here, which I enjoyed much through the game, they aren’t hard but sometimes you get brain freeze.
And in some puzzles you need a special ability to complete it, so if you don’t have just that ability you can always come back when you do.

The boss battles are absolutely fun, Some look a like and some are different from the others.
It is a game of epicness and I am a bit disappointed that they won’t be developing more (at least that’s what I read?)
I would love to play strife and fury, I would love to see this series develop even more because its seems like it only could get better, but I guess we will never know that, and that’s a shame.
If you are thinking of playing it, think no further just do it, it is definitely worth your money and your time.

Visit my channel to see some gameplay of this game!

Thank you for your time!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Outlast vs amnesia (outlast review)

Outlast vs Amnesia

I have done a review on amnesia, so I’m going to explain outlast in this review and then state my opinion on both games, which one who won this year.
The character’s name is Miles Upshur, he is a freelance journalist, that receives a anonymous tip-off about Mount Massive asylum, a psychiatric hospital owned and operated by the Murkoff Corporation.
When he finds a way in to the asylum he discovers that the asylum staff is lying dead everywhere.
The escaped inmates known as “the variants” are roaming the grounds.
We will find trough out the game, an dying swat officer that’s telling YOU! To get out!
After we get thrown through a window by a fat inmate called Chris walker, we regain consciousness, and meet “father” Martin, an inmate who believes he is a priest. Martin says Upshur (you) was sent by god to be a witness to his cult and has to stay in the asylum.
While we are doing what we can to get out the inmates are doing what they can to keep you in.
Martin believes you have to stay so you can witness the events here inside.
You will find out a lot of things in the journey, some inmates will give you some clues, and you will find journals to read about different kinds of inmates and staffs.
You decide if you want to know much about the story our just take a hell ride trough.

Is it just me or does the plot here have some similarities to American horror stories-asylum?
I have seen it so I can say yes it does, if you haven’t seen that series watch it, BEST SERIE EVER!

My opinion
I can bet really much that most of the people aren’t playing for the story but only for the hell ride.
We want to get scared we want to see the gore, blood, and crazy people and be in the chase.
From beginning to freaking end you will be scared and tense.
It’s so scary you will want to stop playing it, but so good you want to continue.
The inmates are so disgusting and the dead bodies, everything really well done.
There aren’t any puzzles here, sometimes you will have to fix things to get to next floor, by finding a rom pushing a button then go to next room push a button and then you’re done.
The tricky part could be to hide from the inmates.
I like how the tortured inmates speaks to you and gives you clues to what is going on, it’s really interesting dough you don’t want to get close to them.
In the journals you will be able to read about the patients and the staffs.
The environment could be pretty dark and that is why you need your camera to be set on night vision, you will find batteries around the place, be sure to look because it could be hell being without them.
If an inmate throws a punch on you and you manage to get away to a safe spot, you will recover from your damage.

Amnesia vs outlast
There is just no comparison, besides the fact that both are survival horror and first person.
Amnesia a machine for pig’s story is childish compare to this story that to be honest isn’t really that deep.
You notice pretty easily when the producers puts more efforts on the scares than the story.
And yeah to be honest that’s what the most people are playing for, the jump scares.
The jump scares in outlast are just horrific, and the freaking environment looks tons better.
A machine for pigs is a child’s game standing next to outlast, Doug I’m not saying the game was bad, it was just disappointing. And in machine for pigs you notice that they were trying to put more effort on the story than the scares.
Which is a total fail because the story wasn’t strong enough for that? The only sad part was the children.
It didn’t deserve the title amnesia.
And in both games you don’t get to know your own characters.
The only thing we know about our character in outlast is that he’s a journalist whit the badest luck that suffers trough a lot of torture.
For me outlast wins.
And it would be really hard for me to compare outlast whit the dark decent, story wise, the decent wins.
Outlast and the dark decent are the best jump scares games I think out now.

And if you haven’t played any of them, then I don’t see a reason for you not doing that right now.

And if you want to se a few videos on outlast the go to my channel now!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

MInecraft a bad influence on kids?

MInecraft is a game about breaking and placing blocks. At first people built to protect against nocturnal monsters, but as the game grows player’s works together to create, wonderful imaginative Things.
It can also be about adventuring whit friends or watching the sun rise over a blocky ocean.
Doesn’t sound so bad does it? By the way the game is Swedish=) ( im Swedish I had to do that)
A nine year old kid in Orlando took an unloaded weapon and knife to his school, he got caught when he was showing and bragging about his weapons to his friends.
The father said that the game mothers unhealthy behavior, and that his son was trying to be like one of his characters in the game.
The child got reported for possession of firearms and possessions of firearms by a minor.
The father blames it entirely on the game and he will throw it in the trash.

Now take note the kid wasn’t playing call of duty or Gta, he was playing minecraft a world made of blocks.
I have never played the game, but I have seen others do it. And the only weapon I saw in the game was a sword made of minimal blocks.
So when they say that the kid had an unloaded firearm and a knife, it makes me wonder if this kid wouldn’t be a bad influence for minecraft not the other way around?
And to be honest, I think there is more to this story that the father decided to leave out.
How did the kid get access to this weapon? And why does the father even have one? Does his work include having a weapon maybe? Or he’s hobby?
Or does the kind watch movies including weapons and when he knew he’s father had one he wanted to show off in front of he’s friends.
Because I have a hard time believing that this sissy game could wake up such a behavior.
I’m sorry for calling the game that, but yeah…I’m going to try it out.

He’s is the living proof (the father) that parents have no clue when it comes to games once or ever.
So instead of digging an putting a lot of money into the big question if “games are the reason for bad behavior” for kids.
Shouldn’t we be educating the parents about different kinds of games and games that are really popular right now? Wouldn’t it be easier?
They know their children more than anyone so they could prevent their children of getting a bad game.
They only know about movies, but nothing about the games and the future consoles. And they really should because the consoles are getting more and more social.
We cant prevent the company for making these games, because its al about money and they do not care who buys their games.
But if the parents could get more control over the situation things might get better.
But no let us find more things to blame on for our mistakes, because it’s so typical human.
Blame everything on anything.

I’m going to try out this game, and see if it awakens any bad behavior, it’s not like I play brutal games already.

DO NOT forget to visit my channel!