Sunday, October 20, 2013

Outlast vs amnesia (outlast review)

Outlast vs Amnesia

I have done a review on amnesia, so I’m going to explain outlast in this review and then state my opinion on both games, which one who won this year.
The character’s name is Miles Upshur, he is a freelance journalist, that receives a anonymous tip-off about Mount Massive asylum, a psychiatric hospital owned and operated by the Murkoff Corporation.
When he finds a way in to the asylum he discovers that the asylum staff is lying dead everywhere.
The escaped inmates known as “the variants” are roaming the grounds.
We will find trough out the game, an dying swat officer that’s telling YOU! To get out!
After we get thrown through a window by a fat inmate called Chris walker, we regain consciousness, and meet “father” Martin, an inmate who believes he is a priest. Martin says Upshur (you) was sent by god to be a witness to his cult and has to stay in the asylum.
While we are doing what we can to get out the inmates are doing what they can to keep you in.
Martin believes you have to stay so you can witness the events here inside.
You will find out a lot of things in the journey, some inmates will give you some clues, and you will find journals to read about different kinds of inmates and staffs.
You decide if you want to know much about the story our just take a hell ride trough.

Is it just me or does the plot here have some similarities to American horror stories-asylum?
I have seen it so I can say yes it does, if you haven’t seen that series watch it, BEST SERIE EVER!

My opinion
I can bet really much that most of the people aren’t playing for the story but only for the hell ride.
We want to get scared we want to see the gore, blood, and crazy people and be in the chase.
From beginning to freaking end you will be scared and tense.
It’s so scary you will want to stop playing it, but so good you want to continue.
The inmates are so disgusting and the dead bodies, everything really well done.
There aren’t any puzzles here, sometimes you will have to fix things to get to next floor, by finding a rom pushing a button then go to next room push a button and then you’re done.
The tricky part could be to hide from the inmates.
I like how the tortured inmates speaks to you and gives you clues to what is going on, it’s really interesting dough you don’t want to get close to them.
In the journals you will be able to read about the patients and the staffs.
The environment could be pretty dark and that is why you need your camera to be set on night vision, you will find batteries around the place, be sure to look because it could be hell being without them.
If an inmate throws a punch on you and you manage to get away to a safe spot, you will recover from your damage.

Amnesia vs outlast
There is just no comparison, besides the fact that both are survival horror and first person.
Amnesia a machine for pig’s story is childish compare to this story that to be honest isn’t really that deep.
You notice pretty easily when the producers puts more efforts on the scares than the story.
And yeah to be honest that’s what the most people are playing for, the jump scares.
The jump scares in outlast are just horrific, and the freaking environment looks tons better.
A machine for pigs is a child’s game standing next to outlast, Doug I’m not saying the game was bad, it was just disappointing. And in machine for pigs you notice that they were trying to put more effort on the story than the scares.
Which is a total fail because the story wasn’t strong enough for that? The only sad part was the children.
It didn’t deserve the title amnesia.
And in both games you don’t get to know your own characters.
The only thing we know about our character in outlast is that he’s a journalist whit the badest luck that suffers trough a lot of torture.
For me outlast wins.
And it would be really hard for me to compare outlast whit the dark decent, story wise, the decent wins.
Outlast and the dark decent are the best jump scares games I think out now.

And if you haven’t played any of them, then I don’t see a reason for you not doing that right now.

And if you want to se a few videos on outlast the go to my channel now!

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