Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Bound by flame! Another crappy review!

Bound by flame

I sure know that I’m not good when it comes to writing any kind of review.
But I’m just going to stick to my opinion, due to the fact that I am not a professional reviewer but I have played tons of games to know what I think about them.

Bound by flame is a dark fantasy rpg game. You will play as Vulcan, you are a member of a mercenary group called the freeborn blades, your job is to eliminate the vawes of dead walkers (undead) Thats trying to invade camps everywhere and get rid of mankind.
Trough al this Vulcan has a demon infested into he’s brain.(and nothing more, he does nothing)

I’m just going to go straight forward here!
The plot isn’t strong at all, there is a lot of dialog, then I mean a lot of dialog, and yes u can skip them.

The environment is just as linear as the dialog and the maps are small. There really aren’t many details here just like dragon age 2. And you are force pretty much to run around the whole map more than once.

The only thing that makes thing easier and makes you pull through and not think so much about the environment, is the combat system. I like the combat system allot.  There are many choices during your battles: Heavy weapon, daggers, pyro, cross bow and traps. You can putt fire into your sword and shoot fire balls. The battle isn’t just jumping in and slashing your enemies, some situation makes you actually think which enemy would be better to get rid of first. You still need to think, and there is timing here to, if you doge your enemy attacks at the right moment you get a counter strike attack which is the more powerful attack.

In every battle u will have someone whit u of course, BUT they are totally useless in every way!
At least in dragon age you could level up your character and control them. Here they can’t be touched, they die after 2 seconds, they aren’t even good distractions! So you will be doing all the work, and a tip, someone that is actually  good having whit you more than anyone else is the witch remember that.
So when you’re entering a battle is only you! And the characters have pretty much zero background stories, definitely not enough to feel close to my own character or the other characters!
This game is pretty much mission and battle, wich is funny do to the fact that your stuck between schooises and able to form the ending of the game, so skipping the long and boring dialogs aren’t a good idea.

The leveling up system:

The leveling up system is easy to understand, there is heavy weapon, daggers and pyro, the good thing here is you will not get overpowered fast; it’s little at the time.
Which does make this game challenging and I respect that. (Even if I am a salty gamer)
The other thing about the character menu is that you can get better armor and better sword, then you can putt what you want into your weapons that makes it stronger or have any kind of resist (you have to choose from the options that is there, of course) So you are able to adjust to the environments and the battles.

There is also loot in this game, and it’s not hard to find, the loot contains items that you can use to build more traps, make healing, mana potions, and ofc you need gold. It’s easy to understand.

The bosses! The bosses are the only thing in this game that looks good! The only thing that would make me considers playing this game again! If you have the game on a higher difficulty then I believe you would be in for a real challenge!
I love the way they look and some bosses are hard even in easy mode!
And even if a character assist you into the fight, remember it doesn’t Mather one bit!

The game is okay, worth trying and not expensive, if they had really putt more time more thoughts into the game and more ideas, the game would be a really great one.
Now the game is just missions, combat and bosses.

One more thing about the demon that’s stuck in Vulcan: No you won’t get demon power he’s just talking when he feels like it. He does more work in the end of the game!

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