Friday, October 6, 2017

Shadow of mordor sshortly what i think about the game, not much story telling.

My godness, this game is just amazing!
Obviusly i bought the game because im a lords of the ring's fan! So actually meeting character's in the game that you remeber from the movies is a nergazm!

So first of al people were werry quick whit comparing this game to assasian's creed and bathman games,and i do understand the compariosn allot.
you will be reminded of assasian'screed when hes climing up and jumping down buildings, the combo's reminds alot about bathman where you have to puch a certain button at a specific time to block the foe coming behind you, and more ofc.

The game is an open world,hack and slash,adventure stealth game, it take place in the world of mordor where your surrunded by orc's. You will see and hear orcs everywhere so you always have to be on your guard!

The games main thing is to slay orc cheifs and orc "elites" to weaken the dark lord army. You can find them across the map, or find them in side quest missions.
What you have to do first is gather intel of other orcs so you can find their location and know their weaknesses.
You do get punisht  hard by the game if you lose to an orc, al the orcs that are up for assassination will increase in level and get stronger.

Also some orcs have bodyguards so it is smart to kill them first before attacking their leader.
I have many times encounter 5 orc leaders at the same time and trust me it is frustrating.

After an orc cheif kill ,you'll get xp so you  can get points to open up new abilites, that is what the side quest's are about so you should defenetly do as much as you can.
I can promisse you that you will be facing alot of orcs at the same time, but when you get to know the game you will know how to make use of the enviroment.

The combo contains sword, bow and daggers also things you can upgrade.
The weapons have runes on them and in each rune you can putt an ability like " after every orc kill gain health" or for the bow " after eevery headshoot kill gain 2 arrows" these abilites drops after you kill an orc cheif, so you see why they are so important to kill. and it never ends untill you want it to.
I dont know how many cheifs i killed they just keep coming back.

There are few animals in this game one is the catagor, you will learn to mount this beast because some mission's recquires it, and some war cheifs are really sceared of this beast.

I dont want to get in to the story much, im gonna putt it short and simple. Talion (the character you will be playing) was denied death, he saw the hammer of sauron slaughter his family infront of hes eye, so now he is in a journey to breake the curse so he can  unite whit hes family in death.The other person that will follow us in our journey is the  Elf Lord Celebrimbor, he merges whit tailion to seek revenge. The elf lord suffers from memory loss, in the world you will be playing you will find items that will reveal a part of the elf's past.

Usually i would stop playing a game where you find yourself doing the same thing over and over again, but in this game i wanted to finish everything, because i just love the world so much and the game so i wanted to get good at it.

I absolutely recomend this game to any stealth,hack and slash lover out there, i love this game and cant wait untill shadow of war!

I hope shadow of war comes whit something different so it doesent feel like im playing the same game.And i hope we get to see more things that remineds of the movies we love!

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