Monday, December 11, 2017

Glaskroppar! my personal review!

I have metioned before that i like to read crime facts and crime stories, but i usually dont read any book thats  is in swedish language. Have you ever read a william shakespare book in swedish?just dont.

But ill take my hat off to these too wrighters because their wrighting is pure genius!
I do belive that i have read all their boks, witch are:

Pythians anvisningar
and now this one!

When they wrote the first 3 books they went by the name Eriksson alexander sundquist now they have shortened the name to Erik axl sund. And i cant really find the reason to why?

Their books are really graphic and thats why i like them!
You do not have tho read the 3 books before reading this one, just a few things will be confusing but its really not much.
In the other 3 books the main role is called jannete, shes an officer that is inspecting dead immigrant children, and working on her side is another officer called hurting.
The case it self will expand from dead children to cults,pedofiles and forbidden love.Ill recomend these books to anyone who likes more graphic crime books. 
The psychological aspect in these books are well written and so interesting that you will find werry powerfull moments in the chapters that you just want to re-read again.
And when you think you got it all figured out you will be suprised whit an twist.
Thats why i love these books so much because of the twists and the psychological feel.

In this book you will read about a suicidal wave and Teenagers that thinks that dying is the new living, that deatht will make them vinsible and take away al their agony and pain.Also then we have the dysfunctional family.
A couple off kids that has experienced a hars childhood,seeing their mother going insane and wanting to die then beeing taken advantage off because the religious people around her thinks that satan has enterd her body. While her husband sitts and watch and her sons hides and vittnes everything.

A child thinking that people that commit suicide will hang on trees whit their hands tied so they cant hurt them self anymore, people who falls victims to murder will go to heaven and murderers to hell.

A persone who takes advantage of depressed teenagers who decided to end their lifes , he has taken the role to free them from agony and pain so they can go to a better place.

Through music and their last wishes they will pass on, and when the last seconds hitts in the music it will be over and done.

In a world where people worship fotboll starts and idiots...hmm think ive heard of it before? 
Where teenagers seek music that speaks to them, or somone.

When murder becomes art.

I love this book because of the ending, i thought first the ending would be poor and werry dissapointing then the wrighters did something they are best at and that is to hitt you whit a huge twist.

The book is so well written, every character has its own story and dark secret that conects to the case, it is just so smart how they wrote this one.

Ill be waiting for their next book, hopefully there will be one soon.
These are the books ill read over and over again!

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