Monday, November 19, 2018

You ar a part of a group called " fifth fleet" you have been summoned by the research commission to provide support to the new world. The focus is to study elder dragons that are so powerfull that they can affect the entire ecosystem. You are suppose to find out why they migrate to the new world every ten years.

The story will evolve more the more you play trough the campain, you will learn about the worlds and the orders of them.
So when the order is interrupted you will have to find out the source to its interruption.

The thing that made me buy this game was the fact that im a huge fan of ark.
I love hunting and fightimg monsters and i do not mind any grind ever.
So i saw this game and it had everything i liked, epic monsters cool character customization
where you can schoose from tons of different armor to make your very own bad ass hunter.
You can also schoose from many weapons, and u will like more than one, i used 3 different weapons that i really enjoyed.

Do to the fact that this is a namco bandai game i knew that i wouldnt be dissapointed!

when you start playing this game you will be really confused to the mechanism.
You will have to harvest different recourses , do investigations and kill the same monsters al over again just to get that item you need to upgrade your armor and weapon.
There will be alot of things you will have to fight for to build up your hunter and to make him strong.

The tourials in this game doesent really make you less confused, so go to youtube and find an easier explanation there.

Things will come to you trough the process fo the game no worries.

I bought the game for the multiplayer, because in truly believe that if you go solo, you will tire yourself out and it will become boring in the end.

The fighting is a bit clunky , its not fast and smooth.
you can get stuned and interupted in the middle of your combo if the creature decides to shout out, and they tend to do that quite alot.
So the battle can get frustrating at some points

None the less do to the beautifull visuality ,the bad ass creatures and the different play styles this game becomes really addicting.

Even if im done whit the story i still want to stick around and kill more monsters and do the events that changes every mont or so.

Events are challenges where you can meet up to four monsters. Ofcurse you will get an reward.
There was an event called code red where you had to slay four powerfull monster to get the Dante outfit from devil may cry.

They are still updating the game and making it frech by putting in new monsters.

I love the game if you enjoy bad as monsters buy buy!
Not a game for people that hates to grind.

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