Wednesday, January 23, 2019

36 Hours A Day (36 timmars dygnet) About Alzheimers disease and other dementia disease. Book Review.

I still remeber that day when i was a child and walked in to my grandmothers room.
She was sitting at the ege of her bed in the dark crying.
I asked her:
-whats wrong grandmom?
-Im losing my memory she said crying and drying her tears while she was looking down.
I dident understand anything al i could do was sitt next to her and hold her.

To start losing precious memories or the names of people you care about, and stop understanding whats going on around you and then get scared is an awfull feeling.
Or start doing a bad job because you dont understand it so well anymore so you have to stop working at your dream job or stop working overall when you been working for many many years.

Or when you get to that point where you have to give your whole trust in somone else to bath you, change your clothes or feed you.
It works differently from person to person but alot of people is living trough this right now.
 And just because your old doesent mean you have dementia. Not al people get dementia.

I think everyone should read this book to build an understanding for the elderly. Because alot of elderly people are either lonley or forgotten. 

Maybie you have a grandmother you really love and your not understanding what is happening to her and that scaers you. 
If somone you love has dementia or is sick  and your really care fore then it will affect you, it will get hard for you,because your losing her a bit at the time and there is nothing you can do that could stop it.
All you can do is make her happy, its important that they still have fun and that they are still included in activities whit their families.
And its important that you have pations and take care of your self to. 
Its so important you know what help you can get and if there is somone maybie in your family that can help you out.
This book gives advice for these type of situation.

It is important to have an big understanding for the elderly and what they are going trough.
Even if some may be whitout these disease i find it still important to have an understanding about these disease
And even if they are whitout these disease they still need somone to show that they mather and that they are cared for.
After i read this book i had more understanding for the elderly and of some of their behaviors. 
The behaviors that made me ask myself :
Is she doing this to make me mad or is she sayning these things to make me sad or hurt?
Why is she acting this way?
Why cant she understand?
I told her so many times this and that, some times she litsens and some times she doesent, why?

This books explains everything.
This book tells you what you should do when you notice that,  for example your mom or father is starting to forget simple things or close friends names or friends childrens names. It tells you what to do when you notice changes in her/his memory.

It explains the help you can get from doctors , curators ,occupational therapy and so on.
It all depends on the results and how they are going to treat her/him, they will make future plans from there.

This book gives you alot of advice if your somone who is taking care of an elderly whit this desieases in your home. Even if your alone or have people in your famely that is helping you

This book explains the process of the desiaese and what is does to the brain and what causes some behaviors.
It also explains the diseases, what they are and what they do and the difference between them.
Some explinations are harder than the other but as long as you understand dementia and what it does and alzheimers then you are good.

The chapters:

1. Dementia
2.How will the person whit dementia get medical help?
3. The typical problems at demntia diseases.
4.Problems whit living an independently life.
5. Porblems in the daily care.
6.Medical problems.
7.Behavior problems.
8.switching moods.
9.Specific arrangements if you get sick.
10.Help from outside.
11.You who have a family member whit dementia.
12.How the medical care of the demential person effects you.
13.To care about yourself.
14.To kids and teenagers.
15. The Economical and legal questions.
16.nursing homes and other housing.
17.Brain diseases and cause of dementia.
18.research about dementia.

I will give a shot explination of dementia here.

Dementia is not a disease of its own its a line of diferent symptoms caused by other different diseases.
Like when you get fever, caugh or dizzines from different diseases.
What is dementia?
Its a loss or reduction of the psychical abillity and  an reduction of the intellectuall abilty.
And dementia doesent attack one part of the brain it attacks different parts of the brain.
The brain consists of miljions of microscopic neurons.
The brains hundreds of different fuctions is the result of the communication between these cells.
That the communications between these cells is  possible is do to the neurotransmitters that is inside the nervcells.
These neurtransmittors works badly when you have dementia.So the communication between the brain cells gets thinner.
So injured neurons works like a bad lightning globe in a way.
And that can also explain alot of the behaviors.

Alzheimers disease  can give you bad memory and a reduct of the intellectuall ability and take you to to the point where your totaly helpless.And it breaks down your body.
The symptoms starts slow and it seems like its only the memory part that has been affected.
The person will have difficulties learning new things, and may experience difficulties at work.
You might notice a change in the personality.
Of the course of the disease the persone whill have more difficulties finding words, writing and understand explinations. He might even stop reading and stop watching tv.
He might start walking  clumsy or start walking leaning foward and start walking faster.
He will have difficulties doing things he once could do whit out a problem.
There is a possibility that he wont be able to understand whats going on around him and could lead to him misinterpreting the situation, that in the end  will result in tantrum.
Alzheimers affects the whole body. So he will be physically and mentally disabeld.

This book is about the affected once, the one whit the disease and the one that is takin care of the demential persone.
Always remeber that this is a 24/7 job  and sooner or lather you will have to take a break for your own good and the person.
Your stress will go over to the demential person and it could make things worse.

Depression is a time theif and could decrease the dementail persones life span
So its important to know what you can do and what help you can get.

Remeber your only human, but dont forget that this person is sick and that  your not alone.
And whatever you may feel trough sandess or anger remeber its probebly normal and alot of people in your situation probebly feels the same way.
Allways have somone you can talk to its really important.

Its not an hard book to understand, its alot about wainting to understand.
So if you go in college ( or maybie even high school) and you want to understand this then you will.
Its an easy book to read and doesent have small texts.

Monday, November 19, 2018

You ar a part of a group called " fifth fleet" you have been summoned by the research commission to provide support to the new world. The focus is to study elder dragons that are so powerfull that they can affect the entire ecosystem. You are suppose to find out why they migrate to the new world every ten years.

The story will evolve more the more you play trough the campain, you will learn about the worlds and the orders of them.
So when the order is interrupted you will have to find out the source to its interruption.

The thing that made me buy this game was the fact that im a huge fan of ark.
I love hunting and fightimg monsters and i do not mind any grind ever.
So i saw this game and it had everything i liked, epic monsters cool character customization
where you can schoose from tons of different armor to make your very own bad ass hunter.
You can also schoose from many weapons, and u will like more than one, i used 3 different weapons that i really enjoyed.

Do to the fact that this is a namco bandai game i knew that i wouldnt be dissapointed!

when you start playing this game you will be really confused to the mechanism.
You will have to harvest different recourses , do investigations and kill the same monsters al over again just to get that item you need to upgrade your armor and weapon.
There will be alot of things you will have to fight for to build up your hunter and to make him strong.

The tourials in this game doesent really make you less confused, so go to youtube and find an easier explanation there.

Things will come to you trough the process fo the game no worries.

I bought the game for the multiplayer, because in truly believe that if you go solo, you will tire yourself out and it will become boring in the end.

The fighting is a bit clunky , its not fast and smooth.
you can get stuned and interupted in the middle of your combo if the creature decides to shout out, and they tend to do that quite alot.
So the battle can get frustrating at some points

None the less do to the beautifull visuality ,the bad ass creatures and the different play styles this game becomes really addicting.

Even if im done whit the story i still want to stick around and kill more monsters and do the events that changes every mont or so.

Events are challenges where you can meet up to four monsters. Ofcurse you will get an reward.
There was an event called code red where you had to slay four powerfull monster to get the Dante outfit from devil may cry.

They are still updating the game and making it frech by putting in new monsters.

I love the game if you enjoy bad as monsters buy buy!
Not a game for people that hates to grind.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Ghost recon willdlands!

Just wow!
I love stealth games and shooters!
This game is an open world stealth/shooter game you will enjoy if ur a fan of far cry or even gta.
This game is just amazing!

You are in bolivia to take down drug cartel santa blanca who hade made the country in to the world's largest producer of cocaine.
you are a team of 4 , the leader nomad are sett to eliminate the cartel piece by piece.
There are 2 endings depending on how many of the cartel leader followers you take down.
Well i tought i took them al down , but it seems like i dident so, i got the ending where the leader of the cartel dies. Wich is absolutely fine for me.

You will see a huge map over the people you will have to eleminate or interrogate to get to the main surce.
Sometimes you will have to put your stealth skills in to play and sometimes you can just go ham!
I love stealth so thats what i tried to go about it everytime.
besides the main missions you have small other missions that helps the rebels out but more important your upgrading.
There will be supplies al over the map that you can choose to go get to level up your characters abillites.
Upgrade weapons your team and even the help you can get from the rebels when you need aid.
And of you can gather gun's and gun parts.

If your going 100% solo on this you have the option to tell your followers what to do, if they should attack , hold positions or team up.
The characters that follows you al the time ( your team) arent really that intelligent and it is sometimes a risk to take them whit you and make them follow you when you about to stealth. i often put them behind rocks and let them be there so i can go solo, untill i mess up ofc.
you can invite friends to play whit you and even join an online session, but i never did.
What i love about the developers is that they took in other games we know and made them a side quest.
Like rainbow six where you help caviera get her brother and splinter cell.
The best side quest i did was whit the predator!
I was really excided for that one it was so perfectly done and made me love the game even more!
Ubisoft could easily make a prefect predator game!

The game for me is pefect but there is things that could make the game even more perfect.
I love going solo so i wished that i could control my team more in deepht.
Like if i want to put one of them on top of a mountim to snipe the towers.
I would love to give orders to one of them sometimes not all at the same time. that would make the game more perfect!

Buy the game its worth!

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Grand theft auto 5 Campain review! ( nothing online)

                                                              This is a 10/10 Game!!!

Never have i been in such a crazy jurney in any game ive played!
There is no mission that is to hard to complete and the mission just gets more crazy than the other!
The dialogus between the characters are so messed up but freaking funny!
And the story has a huge twist that makes you feel sad for the pyschopath!

When you start playing the campain, you will immediately be in a heist whit trevor,michael and Brad snider wich whom you will only meet in this heist but is very important to the story.

All in all you will go trough the heist, get chased down, michael get's s gunned down in the chase and trevor escapes thinking brad whent to prison  and that michael is dead.

                                                                 Michael De Santa

Michael escaped whit his family under fbi protection
Agent Dave norton  came to an agreement whit michael that if he would cut loose michael and give him fbi protection and an other location for him and hes famely , he could get the glory of  stoping the bigg heisters.

So the story would be that michael is dead and brad went to prison. This is what trevor believes.

Michael is an angry father that just wants to settle down and make movies. Thanks to hes past , hes temper and hes family problems, setteling down is just not an option.

A mission will start whit michael After michael finds out that hes wife has cheated whit michaels tennis "teatcher".
 Thats when all the crazy will happen.

                                                                 Franklin Clinton

Franklin is a gang member living in the gettho. Trying to fin himself out  and rise to the top.
Michael will become like a mentor to franklin.

Fraklins first mission and first encounter whit michael beginns when, he has to break in to michael house in order to repossess a beejay XL purchased by jimmy michaels crazy son.
Michael sneaks in in the car and holds fraklin at gun point, teeling franklin to drive trough the car store, wich results in getting franklin fired.
Micheal feels sorry for franklin and invites im for a drink.

                                                               Trevor philips

The man that brings the comedy and the crazy in this game! 
The game wouldnt be what it is whitout him , no wonder hes loved by most of the gta 5 fans.

Trevor is seen as a sociopath, cold killer but the most honest persone in the game.
He is an insecure man and very emotional, he seems to care alot about people close to him and he can be truly loyal to them.

The first thing you will do whit trevor is to shoot down a biker gang after that he will find out that there is a possibility that michael is alive. So he will send one of hes people to gather information on where he could be staying.

And after trevor find michael is where all the crazy beginns!

I loved every second playing trevor!

                                                                The FBI

The tree characters all have their problems and their own missions, but the main mission is mostly about working for the fbi douche bags.
You will be doing work for the fbi because of the fbi's competition IAA. So you and the gang are going to do alot of work to bring down IAA.

In time when the characters has enough is when you will be fighting for your freedome!

                                                      The missions, side quests!

You will meet alot of crazy people trough the game, like any other open world game there will be alot of side quest
Side quest's contains anything from flying plains , jumping out of plains,hunting,burning down buildings,messing up famous celebrities lifes and much more.

I love open world games thats organic, what i mean about that is that while you do your thing the world will be doing theirs. There is alot of people you will end up meeting but not trough only missions and side quest.
You might be driving by people trying to steal others cars or kiddnap a person, they will ask for your help and you'll decide if you want to lay a hand or not.
When you do these main mission you will have to switch between these characters, they al have different positions in the missions, so you can switch between them!
There is also different kind of endings, it all depends on what you choose to do. So some decisions will have an impact on the ending.

The wierdest side mission i did  was when i saw this man tied up after a bachelor party, and he needed my help to get to the wedding on time. The dialog between trevor and this person was so fun.

There is so much happening in this game. Its impossible to get boerd from it.
I have absolutley no complains about the campain and the gameplay. 
This is a solid game whit an 100% story and gameplay!

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Shadow of war my personal review!

Let me start out by saying that i have never in my life when playing an hack and slash game feelt so much pain in my right hand.
You are spamming the x button literally the whole entire time!

So the game isent bad, i was kinda addicted to it the first long hours. I do love the stealth and i do love the brutal fights you have against orcs, and that you can kill them in so many ways.

They did make improvments in this game. The orcs have more personality now than the first game so you dont feel like your killing the same orc 20 times over. The enviroment is more colorful, for me its nice but for some maybie the first games enviroment makes sence when it comes to a world of orc, that maybie it should look dark and miserable.

The armour drop is an nice improvement aswell where you can get nice armour by killing cheif orcs, kill an legendary and you get good armour. You also get gems of killing orcs that you can put on your weapons and armour, when equipped each gems can provide you whit special bonuses. There are 3 type of gems you can choose from, potency, vitality and wealth. Some gems you can increase health other  makes your weapon do more damage, so you need to understand the gem system and trust me its not hard.

Now  we shall go to the essence of the game wich is:

1. Making your own army

2. take over fortresses

3. defend fortresses

You basically recruit an orc whit decent level, you can  level him up by giving him comands to, for example kill other orcs.
Every orc has different abillites besides talking you to death, Poision orc, fire orc, trickster orc and much, much more.
It is like so , so you can have more strategy when planing your attack against other orcs whit same abillites and ofc, every orc has its own weakness.

You can ask the orcs to spy on an orc cheif for you and you can have your own body guard that you can call upon when things gets to messy.

If your order an orc to spy then he will be backstabbing the cheif orc when your about to fight him, sometimes he dies right away sometimes he doesent, it al depends on hes weakness.

Okey you can plan how to take over the fortress, each orc you recruit,when your going to war has its own abilites that you can unlock.

When taking over a fortress you will first have to dominate places in the fotress whit your orc army then the last head orc will be your own fight.So choose your bodyguard well.

You can like in shadow of mordor ride beasts, but you can only ride dragons in shadow of war. not my favorite animal but good to have sometimes when taking over. The dragon for me is to slow.

There is alot of side things besides killing orcs, there is also loot of old artifacts if you want to recover more lore. and also you can fin memories if you want to recover celebrimbors memory.
Then we have "words" that you can recover to finish a poem wall so you can get  pro armour.
You can also do challanges as celebrimbor to get new weapons or gems dempending on how well you do the challange.
I should mention that there is an in game shop where you can buy war chests or loot chests for ingame "money" or real money... and i dont understand why anyone would spend real money on that.

War chest: you can buy good war orcs. I would advice to do it late in the game.

My opinion:
I love the lord of the rings and i did really enjoy shadow of mordor.But shadow of mordor alone can get really repetetive, shadow of war took it to another level.
After a cuple of hours the game becomes repetetive and a huge chore. 
Building your army and taking over fortress takes alot of time, and it makes it worse when the orcs can shut up!
Thats the biggest problem i had whit this game, you  can fight up to 4 orcs at the same time and you cant skipp their dialoug! Why dident they reconsider that or think that the player might get fed up whit it?
If the orc cheif kills you ,then  you have to hear hes talk al over again. It is so bad.

So not only is it a pain in the A** to take over a fotress the 5 time, the orc just wont shut up, and that is one of the reason i uninstalled the game whit out knowing if i got to the ending or not because i did get confused.
The last thing i did was taking back al the fortress i fought for,and  it was there i uninstalled , i just had enough. That is just a bad way of draging out the game, really really bad.

I remeber killing the witch king then taking over hes powers, and when i looked that up in youtube to se the ending , then that was one of them and i got super confused when i had to take over al my fortresses.

I dont think they tought this one trough, i dont thing that they took their time thinking what could make the gamer tired after a while. I truly do not dare buy anymore lord of the rings after this one if they will ever  make one. They honestly need to understand what could get to repetetive.

The game isent bad but for me shadow of mordor is better.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Glaskroppar! my personal review!

I have metioned before that i like to read crime facts and crime stories, but i usually dont read any book thats  is in swedish language. Have you ever read a william shakespare book in swedish?just dont.

But ill take my hat off to these too wrighters because their wrighting is pure genius!
I do belive that i have read all their boks, witch are:

Pythians anvisningar
and now this one!

When they wrote the first 3 books they went by the name Eriksson alexander sundquist now they have shortened the name to Erik axl sund. And i cant really find the reason to why?

Their books are really graphic and thats why i like them!
You do not have tho read the 3 books before reading this one, just a few things will be confusing but its really not much.
In the other 3 books the main role is called jannete, shes an officer that is inspecting dead immigrant children, and working on her side is another officer called hurting.
The case it self will expand from dead children to cults,pedofiles and forbidden love.Ill recomend these books to anyone who likes more graphic crime books. 
The psychological aspect in these books are well written and so interesting that you will find werry powerfull moments in the chapters that you just want to re-read again.
And when you think you got it all figured out you will be suprised whit an twist.
Thats why i love these books so much because of the twists and the psychological feel.

In this book you will read about a suicidal wave and Teenagers that thinks that dying is the new living, that deatht will make them vinsible and take away al their agony and pain.Also then we have the dysfunctional family.
A couple off kids that has experienced a hars childhood,seeing their mother going insane and wanting to die then beeing taken advantage off because the religious people around her thinks that satan has enterd her body. While her husband sitts and watch and her sons hides and vittnes everything.

A child thinking that people that commit suicide will hang on trees whit their hands tied so they cant hurt them self anymore, people who falls victims to murder will go to heaven and murderers to hell.

A persone who takes advantage of depressed teenagers who decided to end their lifes , he has taken the role to free them from agony and pain so they can go to a better place.

Through music and their last wishes they will pass on, and when the last seconds hitts in the music it will be over and done.

In a world where people worship fotboll starts and idiots...hmm think ive heard of it before? 
Where teenagers seek music that speaks to them, or somone.

When murder becomes art.

I love this book because of the ending, i thought first the ending would be poor and werry dissapointing then the wrighters did something they are best at and that is to hitt you whit a huge twist.

The book is so well written, every character has its own story and dark secret that conects to the case, it is just so smart how they wrote this one.

Ill be waiting for their next book, hopefully there will be one soon.
These are the books ill read over and over again!

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Assasin's creed black flag! Personal review

This is hands down the best pirate game out there!
You wont find a bether quality of a pirate game, i dont believe so.
The wonderfull thing is that you will find this game werry cheap, even tho it is worth more money than the current price!
Have a look out for the bigg sales because this game becomes a steal!

Having seen al the pirates of the caribbean movies and love them al, coming to this game is a jaw drop.
The atmosphere is so beautifull when sailing in your werry own ship, having your own crew singing and fighting for you!
Out in the sea there is much to see and explore, dive under the sea for treasures, go in to war whit other ships and take their bounty to upgrade your own and make it even stronger! Go catch a killer whale or a bull shark to upgrade your outfit or sell the skinn for some coin. 
Go loot a dead mans corpse and take hes treasure map and claim that tresure by following its coordinates!

The islands are exotic and beautifull, the nature and the town enviroment is detailed.
In the islands you can loot chests, get assasi'ns contracts and save pirates that will add to your crew.
There are alot of beautifull deep jungels you can explore, and yes you can hunt aswell to upgrade you'r "armour" so there is a small crafting system in this game but its not like the crafting system's in typical survival games ( even thou that would be so awsome).

In this game you will be out at sea werry much so your ship is extremely important. Some areas are easier than others, out in the sea you will meet alot of battle ships whit different level, small ships do not carry so much bounty needed for your upgrade to your ship.
Bigger boats comes whit bigger bounty.

The battle mechanism in sea is werry well done, the first time i battled a ship i got so suprised over how well done the combat was made. you will have to shoot down a ship to it's weak point so you can board it and then try claming it, after you claim it you kan schoose to repair your ship after the battle or lower your wanted level, because when your wanted level is high stronger boats will come for you.
So when you get money in the beginning be sure to spend it wisely, i dident spend so much at al on gun

ns or sharp blades, al the money went monstly to the ship. but when you do have alot of money and your ship is okey then do whatever!
when out sailing there will be watch towers guarded by the enemy, come close enough and they will try to take down you boat, these watch towers comes whit different difficulty, it is wise to try and taking them down.

As usuall like almost all the assasin,s creeds game they give you some history, in the game you will see some famous pirates that lived long ago. Now if your interested you can copy this unharmfull link so you can read about the characters and the ships taking part of this game:

Now the combat on dry land, its not bad dont get me wrong, but it can get a bit clunky at times, you know? the way that makes you question if your controller is broken but you just bought the damn thing!?
You have smoke grenades, swords, assasinations blades lather in the game you will get darts, sleeping darts and berserk darts and they are so effective and damn op when used wisely.
The parkour works like any parkour game, he claims and jumps at the wrong places at the wrong time sometimes, its typicall to be honest. but after all the curses and head punching rage ( im not that crazy) i still love this game werry much.

Short about the story:
You play as Edward kenway, who made a prommise to hes wife before he left that he will return whit riches and well known name, he prommised her 2 years.
What he dident know is that he would be in an old strugle between the assasins, who fight for peace and free will, and the templars who fight for peace but a controlled one.
Edwards will is strong and hes thirst for coin and fame even more so, but he will soon realise that there are much more important things, while losing those he cares for and getting stabbed by those he thought he could trust Edward will soon open hes eyes and get the true vidion of greatness.

So now to what i hate the most , the freaking Abstergo Entertaiment! The absolutly most boring part in this game, everytime i enter it i take my head phones off!
Is these parts off the assasin's creed games that actully make the AC BORING, if that part dident exist i would have more AC games by now.

An amazing game! would play it again, a must buy!

                                                      Last words to you from me sir!
                     Screw you for never litsening to me! screw you for making me doubt my controller!
                                                 And lastly YOU SUCK AT PARKOUR!