Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Dark souls...a curse..

Well it was about 4 months ago i got this game.

First i thought it looked really boring and stiff. Then i just thought to myself  " why not try it anyway"?

i mean i like these kind of games.

So i went up undead burg and fought the turus demon then got burned by the red dragon. And so on and so on. There were a lot of deaths.

So i started to notice that... i didn’t want to stop playing the god damn thing! (Even if i did die a lot)

It consumed me, i just wanted to get further and further. It was hard as H*** but as you continue and do

Not give up you just get better and better and even if you do beat the game you will want to play it again but

As NG+ (new game plus) you beat the game the first time and then whit your new strength play it again, which means the games becomes a bit more harder.

I have raged my a** of thanks to this game, i became a monster and almost lost my computer.

But things are better now and it’s going well, I’m still dying but i know what to do.

I have rage quit many times. But I’m much calmer now and thanks to that things are going better.

The key here is patience, good mood and naive.

The game is so freaking beautiful, the details in this game is mind blowing. There is so much to do and so much to learn about this game.

And it’s fun when other players can jump in and help you out.

Like everyone else i want to do play troughs and guides someday.

Important thing to know is, do not putt a lot of pressure on yourself just because some people had an easy run through this game.

It’s good to think that " i am supposed to die" i mean the edition say so clearly. If you die that means your money was well spent.

I’m looking forward to Dark souls 2 a lot, and I hope it will be just as good or even better. The down side is that i read that its release will be in 2014 long as the game comes out good i guess.

I have the Demon souls, but haven’t been playing it for a while, so i don’t have that much to say about it.

Some people say it’s harder than dark souls, i didn’t think so when i first started to play it...maybe it gets harder.

All i can say is that the leveling system is much harder. i will go in more on the details when i know much more about the games.

So jumping into another subject...

I want to start playing an online game...It took some time to find the one i felt was interesting for me.

It seems like i will be playing Neverwinter...i think i will try it but not now.

The combat system/skills look so good, fast and fluid, the things i want in my combat.

I want to start record, when i play, but i don’t know if it’s worth it if i can’t talk while I’m doing it.

It’s like making a play trough whit out the touch of your own personality.

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