Saturday, June 1, 2013

Gender Roles and Sexism in Gaming.

Before i even get started, please note that this is what i think about this Mather, me myself as a female gamer.

I was you tubing just to see another play trough of my favorite game Dark souls, but before i even was going 

To, i went in to IGN to see the latest news, and then i saw an article about the question of "female role in the game 

Industry". In the article i stumbled upon a name witch is Anita sarkeesian that is analyzing the female role witch is given in video games. How we are stereotyped.

She made a video on YouTube witch is called Damsel in Distress Part 1.
Witch has like a million views.

She’s talking about the history of the women stereotype in games and movies , how we always need to be helpless and rescued by a male hero. Putt in situations we can’t help our self’s out of.

She explained that we are like objects putt between two men that are fighting, saving, or kidnaping us.
Helpless weak objects.

She took up an movie example like KINGKONG that Kidnaps ann and takes her to a high building , to lather on get fired down, and no not ann, the freaking ape? (It’s a monkey come on)

Then she took a video game example like super mario, there peaches always is in a helpless position and always need to be rescued, (yeah i know played it many times.)

The whole video was about us women always being the weakest once, that the men always get the highlights, being the strong brave heroes all the time.

She questioned why a female couldn’t be a brave and strong hero, to also be in the spot light i mean?

Well now, I’m a female and i grew up whit Nintendo and Sega before PlayStation took my interest.

I myself who grew up whit these games can actually say that i do not care what position they would always putt a female in back then. When it comes to really old games like these i still do not care.

In the late 80s Games i believe was meant for boys, so their moms could keep an eye on them instead of them being outside and get in trouble.
Games was bought mostly from boys/men not girls/women

In Disney movies a love story involves often a damsel in distress, since i was a child it has always been like that. Is it really something to get angry at and complain about?

I know the video was about stereotypes in games, movies since history.
Many women have fought for the right of us, and something’s has approved but we will never get it al.

Damsel in distress 2

Now we get into more modern games that still have the typical stereotype of a woman, helpless and weak.
And even today men get to be the main characters. 

She always takes up the fact that we always need savior from a brave man hero.

Then we come to more brutal situations in games, there women either gets killed, beaten up or begs to be killed.

Some weeks ago a finished a game called Dante’s inferno (which is awesome as ****)

And of course this game was mentioned in one of the examples, there a women need rescue.

In Dante’s inferno her name is Beatrice, Dante and she made a promise to the gods to never betray one another. Well Dante does just that by sleeping whit another woman.

When Dante gets home he finds her dead and then the devil takes her down to hell, Dante jumps after her and is faced whit seven stages of hell, so he can get her back.

So in a way he faces the punishments of he’s sins.

I’m just saying it’s not a dance on roses to be a hero; i mean give the guys some credit.

I wonder if the feminist party would be happier if we turned the tables and instead put Beatrice to save 

Dante, so she can go through hell, get beaten up and almost get killed. Let us putt a girl in that environment, you think they would be happy then?-.-

I understand GTA games and why some women get upset. 100 percent

Then Anita also said:
Violence in games against women is a troubling light of the seriur real life epidemic of violence against women facing the female population on this planet.

Every nine seconds a woman is assaulted or beaten in the United States.
On average, more than three women are murdered by their boyfriends, husbands or ex partners, every single day.

Irresponsible to games witch players are encouraged even "required" to preform violence against women in order to save the game.

Again? Wasn’t there a discussion about games being dangerous to younger people?

That the game is encouraging younger people to beat up or shoot others in school?-.-

And that Obama was to putt millions to see if that’s true?

How do we know the reasons for these crimes? For the murders?

Are games the reasons for young people getting into crime?

Wasn’t religion the reasons for these things once?( not because that’s better or smarter-.-)

Or are we just so eager to find something to blame on?

I know that games aren’t for every person in this world, definitely not for those that don’t know what’s right or wrong. 
But is game the source of the problem?
I really don’t believe that. Can games give ideas? Yes it truly can.

The school shootings, did the child start shooting at the other children because the game give him ideas how to do it? Or was he angry , sad and thirsty for revenge because of the bullying?

He who killed he’s wife or ex, did the game give him ideas how to do it? Or is he really unstable?

Easy to find reasons but hard to point out the real and true facts.

 If the industry wasn’t allowed to make a story that could relate to a real life one, we had no movies, series, books, and yeah games.

And trust me if we didn’t have these things the world would become darker.

If we get back to the game industry view of us women.

There are games that allow you to choose witch gender you want to play as.

Like in Dark souls, Kingdoms of amalur and saints row.

Today we have the choice to play as whom we want.

(Am i a Horney young female if i think she looks cool as h****?)

And now a days we can find games where the female is the main character, mass effect 3, remember me, byonetta,mirror ege, beyond two souls and much more.

Some companies get it but we can’t change the whole worlds minds.

I like to play as a male character in games, it can be boring to be a female sometimes, and i know I’m not alone at this

Should the companies putt a female tough the hell that the men faces when they tries to rescue a women, then they would find something else to complain about.

I mean al the main character are always white and mostly from the us-.-

And the females to? What about the colored people then? They rarely get a part in video games than us women.

I’m just saying things have been getting better, but i know that it always will be wrong no Mather what changes the industry makes.

Am i a horney lesbian if i want this on my shelf?

Or am i a fan of Dead island?

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