Thursday, June 6, 2013

Kingdoms of amalur-Reckoning.

I bought this game five days ago, i thought it look good and interesting. I love games whit 

Strong colors. I’m playing as a ”fatless one" who died before the game starts, I’m part of 

an experiment called "the well of souls" , the owner of the experiment is called 

Fomorous Hugues.And i am the first success to hes experiment. When i wake up, the 

Facility is under attack by a species called the  Tuatha.The tuathas is fighting under a 

god called Tirnoch. And their goal is to , or what they want to do is kick some mortal 

Races butt. The war is called”crystal war ”Under the journey your uncovering the truth 

About yourself and what you are and what your purpose is.
I have played Skyrim, and 

fable 3 and this game is a mix of these two. Mostly fable i must say. I haven’t come so far 

into the game but , of what i have seen and experience so far is that the game is a lot of 

fun to play. The storyline is weak and boring , but the combat system is fun fun, and the 

Environment is fluid whit bright colors. The good thing about this is, you don’t have to 

come to a particular level to do cool stuff , the combat is alot of fun, you have a lot of 

weapons to choose from and  magic tricks .

Apart from the storyline and your main goal in this game, It’s a lot about to help other 

Villagers whit their problem, which makes your earn more XP.

When you start the game you can choose  from 4 playable races, Almain(human).  

Dokkalfar (Dark Elves), the Ljosalfar (Light Elves) and  Varani (Nomadic Humans).And 

When your get your own home in the game you can change your appearance, but not race 

Or gender. The game isn’t hard and probably the easiest game for hardcore gamers. But 

It is tons of fun, and everyone should try it. And yeah for those who thinks fable 3 

sucks, don’t worry this game doesn’t. its better.

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