Sunday, November 10, 2013

Battlefield 4 –Beginner’s journey! Day 5 or 4

This game guys!

I stay happy, even if I die 1000 of times, because I love playing this game so much!
I’m having so much fun.
It’s like New Year’s Eve in this game, a lot of explosions and screaming, you’re just caught up in the action al the freaking time!
You should see me when I’m playing; I have a big smile on my face, screaming WOW all the time!
I rage a lot in games, but in this one I’m as happy as can be.

I did get some courage to record today.
There is a lot of death but, you should know I was really happy here haha.
By the way, is it only me or is counter strike harder than battlefield?
My journey is really good.

Still playing as an assult.

And I hate the fact that snipers can shoot through walls! And floors!? Aint nobody got time for that!

Watch my video if you want in my channel, and yes I know I’m not good !

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