Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Max payne 3, The darkness 2, rage and Dead space 2. Was gone but now im back whit 4 new games!!

It has been 2 funny and amazing weeks whit a lot of fun.

I wanted to miss playing games so much, i felt like i needed to get away from the computer a bit and actually  see and meet people.

Now I’m back and want to get on track whit some new gaming news!

I Really want to get started whit the recording so i guess it will be without commentary , i don’t  have a  head set whit  microphone ( sadly enough) but sooner or later i will get one.

So like i said i came back whit 4 new games, which are max Payne 3, the darkness 2, rage and dead space 2.

I have played max Payne 2, and i actually enjoyed it a lot it was tons of fun, i like the story and the shooting 
Combat system. I played the first one a little, i don’t know what happened to be honest. 

But i will play it!

I saw angryjoe do a rewiev on the darkness 2 and it looked really cool and awesome and i knew a friend that used to read the comics so i figured why not try it out.

Why didn’t i buy the first one first? well i didn’t find it.

I have the first one, and it scared the sh*** out of me, so i am really rely excited to play this game.

I know that I’m late whit playing this game but i play a lot of different games so it took a while to go out and  buy this one.

This game looks so awesome and i don’t see many gamers play it? is it really that bad  you think? i mean the creators of doom and  quake made this game ....not that i have ever played those games ( ooops ) But this game looks so epic and freaking awesome.

Maybe yawl wondering why i don’t go out and buy the newest games out there?

Well if i go out and buy a game it has to "click" i don’t buy a game because is the newest one and a hundred people says its awesome. 

I put on the trailer, watch it then think about it then maybe buy it. 

I’m not the gamer that follows the flow i am the one that follows the "click"

My friend told me to get darksiders 2, she said that the game was really popular, And don’t get me wrong now i had the game on my list but when i was out to find a game it just didn’t "click" .

I will get it because the first one was really good, but ill do it when the time is right.

Games I’m waiting for right now are:

1. Amnesia a machine for pigs

2. Dark souls 2

3. Outlast

4. The evil within

These are games that i must have.

Seem like Amnesia a machine for pigs will be more delayed-.- 

Jens Nilsson- Better delayed and we get a good game than sending it out quick whit bad  quality.

You can make good use of the weather outside this summer and look forward to gamming whit the piggy’s when the summer comes to an end.

Well i guess so Jens , I'll rather have a late good game that a quick bad game.

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